
the fact that you bought that obviously horseshit story is telling and hilarious all at the same time. Oh yeah, he looks like he used to work on wall street in a suit and tie. give me a fucking break.

The story was (and I paid little attention because it didn't really interest me) that he made a shitload of money as a mortgage broker during some kind of real estate boom...? Honestly, I didn't really ask, nor do I care how he made his money. I'm only telling you what the story is. It's not my job to investigate the source of people's financial income.

And Christian, I don't know what is up, but I feel like every time you've posted something directed at me it's come out rude. Am I misreading your comments, or do you really have a problem with me? 'Cause I've always liked you, so I'd hate for us to have beef... Sometimes words can come across much harsher in the written form than in person, so I'm hoping that I'm just overreacting.
I really try to retain a respectful distance from my models, even when I'm lubing up their pussies.