

I have no clue who Darenzia is, but me likey.

Darenzia is a Penthouse model turned NYC dom and fetish model. I prefer her "heavy rubber" stuff but this is good too. It's weird when fetish and porn crossover like this. Apparently she was too shy to approach Holly/Suze directly and had to get a friend to do it for her. Do you ever wear latex Holly?

Actually Darenzia wasn't a Penthouse model, she worked at Penthouse as a photo editor. And honestly I like to shoot fetish-- I'd love to shoot more of it, but as most of my magazine work is anti-fetish I don't have a hell of a lot of time to shoot it. I don't wear latex in my personal life-- it's not forgiving for people with even an ounce of of body fat.
I really try to retain a respectful distance from my models, even when I'm lubing up their pussies.