

Lets KEEP this on target: Ain't nothing Nacho about Billy Martin. Period.

He did seem to be very observant of what substances other players used to get a better grip on their bats. (George Brett vs. Goose Gossage in 1983)

I believe I remember that someone else pointed it out to Billy long before he called Brett on it. The key for Billy was WAITING for the perfect time to use it ... and not just the first hit, etc.

I'm a Yankee hater, and even I still can't understand the reasoning behind the AL President allowing the homer on protest.

Billy was a great manager and a lunatic. He won with the Twins, the Tigers, the Yankees and the A's, though only the He even wasn't too bad with the Rangers with. 1977 Yanks are his only team which won the World Series though.
Amo i Gemelli!! wink