
Thanks, "Crammy," you just made my point for me...

Tell me, Oh Hairy Homo, How come my "Army of Alts" has NEVER risen to my defense when turdburglars like you attack??? I suppose that next you'll accuse me of being Conky, VOD, Loop, Handful, DanG, Ivorenginedriver, Ranathan & anyone else who's said a kind word to or about me.

I suppose I must also be Jeffy, since nobody else would have ever given The Chronicle the Gad Daddy Impramatur, right?


Sorry to disappoint you, G, but the only one around here who's been having a meltdown is you. You've been having one for Three Weeks now, and, quite frankly, I think it's time you went to see Fatty's Shrink. You can't stay butthurt forever, you know.

Bottom Line Gunga Din: If you're so broken up over some harmless satire, you're clearly unable to play with the big boys at XPT. I really DO think ADT would be more to your speed. Say Hi to Schutzstaffel Steph for me.

Sweetie - I didn't see any satire of me in your project. I'm reacting to be you a fatuous ass. What was the part that I'm supposed to be insulted by?

Oh and good job NOT melting down.

You're all still alive?