Let's make one thing perfectly clear, Gunga Din: I asked Malice to delete my real name from your posts, which was a cheap, desperate  shot even for you, and was obviously done at your master Maxi's behest. He was warned about that repeatedly, so he recruited you to do his dirty work. I SPECIFICALLY told Malice that I did NOT want you banned or boxed, because, frankly, I'm having too good a time carving you a new asshole at each step.YOU, on the other hand, went whining, bitching and moaning to Malice trying to get me banned over The Chronicle and Duff Gordon, an alt I created more to protect my cohorts "Jack" and :Inkyo" than myself. Hell, Grizz, I made NO effort to hide who I was whatsoever and actually outed myself to Jeff via PM. You were just soooooo BUTTHURT over a little ribbing that you went crying to teacher about it. Big difference between the two.Pussy.