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#302665 - 02/21/08 02:46 PM Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
Smelly Monkey Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 01/25/04
Posts: 8662
Loc: In a k1ng like state of medioc...
Well Jeff has said he thinks one of these guys should be demoded and has asked me to run a poll in the cage to let the posters/registered lurkers to vote on who they want to be demoded. So lets get to it

“Jesus said, hey baby, its all good" Wayne Lewis

#302666 - 02/21/08 03:07 PM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
freestylah Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 12/28/07
Posts: 4856
Loc: The 4th International
I couldn't care less who gets demoded.
They're not funny, what they post doesn't interest me (gay wrestling & dance gigs in the US) and they ban people for the wrong reasons.

Take your pick, Monkey; just let me know where my vote should go.
The only thing you got that I want, is your suffering.

#302667 - 02/21/08 03:14 PM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
LouCypher Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 10/19/06
Posts: 9958
Loc: fortified
I've always liked Chico, anyone else here like Chico?
i just lock, load, and regret. - jamesn

#302668 - 02/21/08 04:24 PM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
BIFF™ Offline
Sex Slave Trader

Registered: 11/14/04
Posts: 1460
Loc: Down there
Where's Garfield? Your daddy's back.
I like me some Gia'd Jerkins.

#302669 - 02/21/08 06:49 PM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
the unknown pervert Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 03/22/07
Posts: 5186
Loc: Joshua Tree National Park
Internet Darwinism will proceed no matter how the poll turns out. Someone will be able to ride out the storm and someone will be swept away in it. Just let nature take it's course.
I would eat Allie Sin's asshole until I got an emotion out of her.-Jerkules

#302670 - 02/21/08 07:08 PM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL

I don't know, Monkey. I don't see what either of these guys has done to warrant the Moxie Treatment.

Let's look at the record:

What did Alex do? He let what you freely admit was an intentionally annoying alt get under his skin. Okay. Did he overreact? In retrospect, probably. But it's not like he went on a jihad and started indiscriminately banning fuckers for making make-up cracks. Nobody's real account got terminated. Just an purposely annoying alt. Which, under today's intentionally vague guidelines regarding alts, isn't entirely out of bounds. (Whether or not it should be is another story.)

And Chico? He banned Darth for calling him a Spic. Two things about that: First, it's fucking Darth, and, as jamesn pointed out, banning him is always funny. Second, and, more importantly, it's not as if Chico wasn't fully aware that Princess Big-Titty-Little-Brain would come and unban the guy within a couple of days. Which is exactly what happened.

There is no form of entertainment so pure and so titillating as Civil War on Mod Street, and I am not about to get in the way of you guys having at it. All I'm saying is that de-modding is tantamount to, and just as gay as, outright banning. I mean, besides Moxie himself, who else has that special combination of Balls and Self-Loathing to keep coming back after being fired from a modship on a porn board?

The way I see it, if a mod starts acting like a douchebag, call him or her out on it. Humiliate the fucker. Give 'im a brain hemorrhage from yer steel-toe boots. Which you did in the other thread to devastating effect. But the Moxie Treatment??? Man, not even li'l eblab deserves that, and he's far more egregious than those two guys, what with his douchey, self-important "upper management" crap and his Gay-As-Eon YouTube clips.

Just my two cents.

#302671 - 02/21/08 07:15 PM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
LouCypher Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 10/19/06
Posts: 9958
Loc: fortified
At least one of these fuckers wears makeup Jim.. just sayin.
i just lock, load, and regret. - jamesn

#302672 - 02/21/08 07:26 PM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL

Yeah, Lou, but who's he hurting with it besides himself?

Besides, you never know who wears make-up, fishnets and does the J. Edgar thing behind closed doors. At least Alex has/had the balls to do it in public. just sayin'.

#302673 - 02/21/08 07:30 PM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
LouCypher Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 10/19/06
Posts: 9958
Loc: fortified
I hear ya, but then there's the kittens.

Chico may like bleeding,aggressive men but Monstar seems most likely to be found dead with a rusted Lady Bic lodged in his rectum.
i just lock, load, and regret. - jamesn

#302674 - 02/21/08 07:41 PM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL

Perhaps. But when Maxi was running around banning me every other day for calling him out and trying to pin the blame on the Princess, both of those guys stood up on my behalf on Mod Street. If they were deserving of having their heads handed to them, their character would have been revealed months ago.

#302675 - 02/21/08 08:18 PM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
NitneLiun Offline
Registered Sex Offender

Registered: 07/09/06
Posts: 2362
Loc: St. Louis
Listen to JimB. He's the voice of reason. JimB represents real change and staying the course. You can't go wrong with JimB. Vote for JimB.
"Offer them what they secretly want and they of course immediately become panic-stricken."

#302676 - 02/21/08 08:35 PM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
Jigaloo Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 04/17/06
Posts: 7863
I like them both. Before I came to XPT I'd make a bad comment and I would get in trouble. Now I can make the bad comment and follow it up with "I have Mexican and Native American friends."

#302677 - 02/21/08 08:35 PM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL

I'm Jim B. and I approve that message.

#302678 - 02/21/08 08:58 PM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
Soopergrizz Offline
Porn Fucking Master

Registered: 02/23/05
Posts: 3724
Loc: Paddling my canoe in the wild

...both of those guys stood up on my behalf on Mod Street...

It would be a darn shame if you lost your protectors, eh little buddy?
You're all still alive?

#302679 - 02/21/08 09:21 PM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL

AWW... Still butthurt from last week, Gunga Din? I thought you hairy homos were tougher than that.

#302680 - 02/21/08 10:08 PM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
Bornyo Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 09/23/04
Posts: 10321
While we're at it, and airing grievances, I'd like to ask that the bold feature be taken away from Monstar, the italics feature be taken from JimB and the slash ( / ) be taken away from daBurglar.

As far as Chico is concerned he is fighting hard enough to overcome his background so just take away his bloody signature pics.

#302681 - 02/21/08 10:27 PM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL

LOL. Fair enough, B.

#302682 - 02/21/08 11:15 PM Call it the Great Compromise
Bornyo Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 09/23/04
Posts: 10321
I haven't voted yet but here's what should happen:

Let Chico/Sergio stay as a moderator in talent for hire but keep a tight leash on him so he doesn't go banning people for things they post in forums outside of his own. Chico there are people like Tritone, William Hyde and Nitnelion posting here who are much more dangerous with their insidious racism than the occasional poster who slips in a "spic", "nigger", or "wop" in their posts.

Monstar you should just ask to be de-modded because you have reached a point in your porn career where you can't be bothered with the day to day of XPT moderatordom much less it's flashing red envelopes and you have reached such a level of success in the porn world that you feel you have an image to uphold and that image is affected positively or negatively by what you tolerate on XPT.

Well I got news for you brother- XPT is a fucking mess and it feeds on the messes that inhabit the porn industry. If you want to raise your whores to new heights then feel free, but don't think you can or should raise xpt along with you.

#302683 - 02/21/08 11:35 PM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
Smelly Monkey Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 01/25/04
Posts: 8662
Loc: In a k1ng like state of medioc...

Take your pick, Monkey; just let me know where my vote should go

Im not going to tip my hand and give away who id prefer to be demoded, but it doesn't take a rocket surgeon to guess who it would be


I've always liked Chico, anyone else here like Chico?



Where's Garfield?

Hes showing pictures of himself with darth vader and the lead singer of the hives at the tonight show in other forums


I don't know, Monkey. I don't see what either of these guys has done to warrant the Moxie Treatment.

Let's look at the record:

What did Alex do? He let what you freely admit was an intentionally annoying alt get under his skin. Okay. Did he overreact? In retrospect, probably. But it's not like he went on a jihad and started indiscriminately banning fuckers for making make-up cracks. Nobody's real account got terminated. Just an purposely annoying alt. Which, under today's intentionally vague guidelines regarding alts, isn't entirely out of bounds. (Whether or not it should be is another story.)

And Chico? He banned Darth for calling him a Spic. Two things about that: First, it's fucking Darth, and, as jamesn pointed out, banning him is always funny. Second, and, more importantly, it's not as if Chico wasn't fully aware that Princess Big-Titty-Little-Brain would come and unban the guy within a couple of days. Which is exactly what happened.

There is no form of entertainment so pure and so titillating as Civil War on Mod Street, and I am not about to get in the way of you guys having at it. All I'm saying is that de-modding is tantamount to, and just as gay as, outright banning. I mean, besides Moxie himself, who else has that special combination of Balls and Self-Loathing to keep coming back after being fired from a modship on a porn board?

The way I see it, if a mod starts acting like a douchebag, call him or her out on it. Humiliate the fucker. Give 'im a brain hemorrhage from yer steel-toe boots. Which you did in the other thread to devastating effect. But the Moxie Treatment??? Man, not even li'l eblab deserves that, and he's far more egregious than those two guys, what with his douchey, self-important "upper management" crap and his Gay-As-Eon YouTube clips.

Just my two cents.

They set the tone for the board for the past 12 months, what is and isn't acceptable for people to post, they censored an uncensored board. Look its no secret I don't like either of these guys but I respect their right to post here no matter how boring they are. Nothing changes they just no longer have the power to 86 people they don't like thats all. Ive recieved a few pms about this and none have been "this is unfair" they have all been either "why is chico winning" or "im glad monstar is losing", look at the tone of the board the past year compared to the last few days.


Monstar you should just ask to be de-modded because you have reached a point in your porn career where you can't be bothered with the day to day of XPT moderatordom much less it's flashing red envelopes and you have reached such a level of success in the porn world that you feel you have an image to uphold and that image is affected positively or negatively by what you tolerate on XPT.

Well I got news for you brother- XPT is a fucking mess and it feeds on the messes that inhabit the porn industry. If you want to raise your whores to new heights then feel free, but don't think you can or should raise xpt along with you.

If that does happen can we have a richard nixon like resignation in the chat room where monstar gives the forum a speech?

If so I hope its like this one, one of my favorites

(in richard nixon's voice)
"fuck you and your slim fast fat man, i survived on this board since you were still a size 32 taking hits from all kinda low life bottom feeding fucks who think they can roll in here like this is the joint and try to get some juice out of taking someone out.

unfortunately that someone is me because I have no bones about who the fuck i am. and every time I went up against these little incognito bitches, i've handed them their unheterosexual little asses.

I can take a jab, i can take some punk ass cunt opening their fucking mouth to me, i can take someone saying 'you're fat, ugly, gay,' or whatever shit they throw at me. Damn nigga I went to high school in eyeliner you think some bitch on the net is going to rattle my cage with four fucking letters?

what I can not stand is that fucking little red envelope that's always flashing when I get on XPT. and it's yet another PM from our friendly neighborhood monosyllabic retard. geezus fucking christ if he wants to suck my dick so bad, just come right out and say it, but that red evelope is a pain in my ass.

so fuck him, fuck his lame mother, his lame offsping, any man he's ever loved and every animal he's killed while his dick was inside it.

if there is a god above i hope someone runs over his kids. that would make my birthday a happy one.

...and no this is no meltdown, i'm sitting here enjoying an eggo waffle."

“Jesus said, hey baby, its all good" Wayne Lewis

#302684 - 02/22/08 03:12 AM Re: Call it the Great Compromise
freestylah Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 12/28/07
Posts: 4856
Loc: The 4th International


Monstar you should just ask to be de-modded because you have reached a point in your porn career where you can't be bothered with the day to day of XPT moderatordom much less it's flashing red envelopes and you have reached such a level of success in the porn world that you feel you have an image to uphold and that image is affected positively or negatively by what you tolerate on XPT.

This is, by far, the most sophisticated sarcasm I've read on this board. I wish I'd written it myself.
The only thing you got that I want, is your suffering.

#302685 - 02/22/08 08:32 AM Re: Call it the Great Compromise
Conky Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 11/04/06
Posts: 4203
Loc: Bakersfield Plumbing Supplies ...
Oh! Which one of the ethnic minorities will be banned?

Monstar, just because he's a whoremonger and promotes his ladies across the board. I call conflict of interest.
I also am subcribe to postal pornography - CAOH

#302686 - 02/22/08 08:59 AM Re: Call it the Great Compromise
Abe Offline
Max Hardcore Prison Bitch

Registered: 11/23/06
Posts: 323
Is there such a thing as a Mercy Rule on XPT?

BTW, welcome back Conky.

#302687 - 02/22/08 09:00 AM Re: Call it the Great Compromise
Conky Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 11/04/06
Posts: 4203
Loc: Bakersfield Plumbing Supplies ...
No mercy!

Hey OMR, good to be back.
I also am subcribe to postal pornography - CAOH

#302688 - 02/22/08 11:05 AM Re: Call it the Great Compromise
Handful Offline
Human Garbage

Registered: 05/08/07
Posts: 1681

Oh! Which one of the ethnic minorities will be banned?

How long has this been an option?
There's not a woman alive who has not wanted to be treated like a whore. It's in their genes.

#302689 - 02/22/08 02:35 PM Re: Call it the Great Compromise
Smelly Monkey Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 01/25/04
Posts: 8662
Loc: In a k1ng like state of medioc...
Okay Jeff has said he wants to run this poll until monday. So you have a few more days to get your votes in, right now monstar looks like the front runner.
“Jesus said, hey baby, its all good" Wayne Lewis

#302690 - 02/22/08 02:38 PM Re: Call it the Great Compromise
Da Burglar Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 01/02/05
Posts: 5750
The reason I like Bornyo so much as a poster is he takes pot shots at whomever he feels like/whomever he is pissed off at/whomever is an easy target...yet it never comes back at him from anyone/anywhere. it's quite impressive, he is my hero/role model on this board/forum/online community...bar none/no one/anyone
Are you gonna eat that?

#302691 - 02/22/08 02:39 PM Re: Call it the Great Compromise
LouCypher Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 10/19/06
Posts: 9958
Loc: fortified

Oh! Which one of the ethnic minorities will be banned?

Monstar, just because he's a whoremonger and promotes his ladies across the board. I call conflict of interest.

Get on your whores and ride
i just lock, load, and regret. - jamesn

#302692 - 02/22/08 08:38 PM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
Jigaloo Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 04/17/06
Posts: 7863
I want to see the Penalty Box back in action.

#302693 - 02/22/08 08:42 PM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
LouCypher Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 10/19/06
Posts: 9958
Loc: fortified
I say fuck em in the face... yup.
I'm all about the penalty box.
i just lock, load, and regret. - jamesn

#302694 - 02/22/08 11:07 PM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
Gunker Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 01/07/06
Posts: 4268
Loc: Portland
Who's banning what now?

293122-2798537_std.jpg (5 downloads)

"My people (the real Americans- descended from the original Angle-Saxon pioneers)"-Coke S.

#302695 - 02/22/08 11:40 PM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
Smelly Monkey Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 01/25/04
Posts: 8662
Loc: In a k1ng like state of medioc...

I say fuck em in the face... yup.
I'm all about the penalty box.

Chico would negotiate with jeff to make the penalty box an 8 sided steel cage, its the closest that niggas getting to one.

voting results update

31 votes for monstar

18 for chico
“Jesus said, hey baby, its all good" Wayne Lewis

#302696 - 02/24/08 04:28 PM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
Smelly Monkey Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 01/25/04
Posts: 8662
Loc: In a k1ng like state of medioc...
WOW a single vote separates them 36 for chico 37 for monstar. Chico is coming on strong at the end. If you haven't voted yet please make sure you do hes your chance to help shape xpt
“Jesus said, hey baby, its all good" Wayne Lewis

#302697 - 02/24/08 11:26 PM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
Smelly Monkey Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 01/25/04
Posts: 8662
Loc: In a k1ng like state of medioc...
okay chico now leads by 7. Chico can't go to sleep on this, he needs to make some calls to the 1400 members of his family in mexico or speak to some of his guys at his dojo to get voting to save him.
“Jesus said, hey baby, its all good" Wayne Lewis

#302698 - 02/25/08 04:11 AM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
freestylah Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 12/28/07
Posts: 4856
Loc: The 4th International
It smells of manipulation of votes. Did Monstar's whores all of a sudden wake up and vote for Chico?
The only thing you got that I want, is your suffering.

#302699 - 02/25/08 07:44 AM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
Care Less Offline
Bukkake Boy

Registered: 01/29/08
Posts: 604
They have whore ethics to uphold.
The moderators of this heap are meaningless cunts. The regulars of this heap are retarded cocksuckers. Fuck this shit.

#302700 - 02/25/08 08:14 PM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
Smelly Monkey Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 01/25/04
Posts: 8662
Loc: In a k1ng like state of medioc...
Ok chico won this poll (to lose his mod status) BUT I got a pm from Jeff and he felt that the poll was fucked with by monstar so he asked me my thoughts on where to go with this. Does the board have any sugestions?, Monstar was on his way to losing before the late push now known as "monstar gate" I might post a pros and cons thread about each and go from there, I just found out that monstar has a dog called fussy, make of that what you will. Both are taking this laying down in the ass so its hard unlike da burgs cock, Monstar or chico either of you care to chime in?
“Jesus said, hey baby, its all good" Wayne Lewis

#302701 - 02/26/08 12:39 AM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
The Ghost Is Toast Offline

Registered: 10/21/05
Posts: 2710
I always thought Chico/Sergio/whatever would edge out Monstar in this race...whether you like the girls he represents or not, Monstar posts pics of chicks, Travieso continues to post pics of sweaty dudes. It's a no-brainer.

#302702 - 02/26/08 08:21 AM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
RenfieldGyps Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 12/28/05
Posts: 4726
Loc: The City That Never Sleeps, Tr...

Ok chico won this poll (to lose his mod status) BUT I got a pm from Jeff and he felt that the poll was fucked with by monstar so he asked me my thoughts on where to go with this. Does the board have any sugestions?, Monstar was on his way to losing before the late push now known as "monstar gate" I might post a pros and cons thread about each and go from there, I just found out that monstar has a dog called fussy, make of that what you will. Both are taking this laying down in the ass so its hard unlike da burgs cock, Monstar or chico either of you care to chime in?

Wow you have alot of time on your hands lately, I hope all is well in Monkeyville, Im so glad you're back.

#302703 - 02/26/08 01:42 PM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
Random Offline
Sex Slave Trader

Registered: 01/12/05
Posts: 1342
I'm a little shocked Monstar and Chico have been so quiet. Out of all the shit that's been flung at them over time, this is what sent them away?

In retrospect, in regards to Monstar's absence, we can perhaps chalk that up more to Bornyo than you, Monkey. Even I thought Bornyo's jab came out of nowhere. Or maybe it didn't. Maybe I just haven't been around enough to notice a brewing dislike for the Injun on Bornyo's end.
"Bornyo sleeps under a bearskin that he killed and skinned when he was 5. He just stared the thing dead with mind bullets." - Floofin

#302704 - 02/26/08 06:35 PM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
LouCypher Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 10/19/06
Posts: 9958
Loc: fortified

Ok chico won this poll (to lose his mod status)

I thought we had to vote for who we wanted to WIN??

Ohh well Chico.
i just lock, load, and regret. - jamesn

#302705 - 02/26/08 11:34 PM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
ranathan Offline
Bukkake Boy

Registered: 04/02/07
Posts: 705
okay what the fuck, so 3 and a half years ago you guys thought this smelly monkey (???/) guy was edgy and funny??, neither of these two guys are particularly offensive, i hate filthy reggaeton listening, gangbanging grafitti artist mexicans fucking up every la freeway, but i give chico a major benefit of the doubt in that category especially because he seems to have a decent sense of humor, who the fuck spends their time creating polls for demodding on a website that has 2-6 thousand unique views a month, the seriousness paid to this seems really weird, i havent seen the site in a long time and king dismantled this guy, why the fuck is this random internet weirdo relevant, especially on this site....

#302706 - 02/27/08 12:56 AM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
Smelly Monkey Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 01/25/04
Posts: 8662
Loc: In a k1ng like state of medioc...

okay what the fuck, so 3 and a half years ago you guys thought this smelly monkey (???/) guy was edgy and funny??, neither of these two guys are particularly offensive, i hate filthy reggaeton listening, gangbanging grafitti artist mexicans fucking up every la freeway, but i give chico a major benefit of the doubt in that category especially because he seems to have a decent sense of humor, who the fuck spends their time creating polls for demodding on a website that has 2-6 thousand unique views a month, the seriousness paid to this seems really weird, i havent seen the site in a long time and king dismantled this guy, why the fuck is this random internet weirdo relevant, especially on this site....

“Jesus said, hey baby, its all good" Wayne Lewis

#302707 - 02/27/08 09:11 AM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
TonyMalice Offline
Registered Sex Offender

Registered: 03/12/03
Posts: 2458
Loc: I'm the fucker behind the curt...
While it was a close race, when the polls closed on Monday the results indicated that the majority would like Smelly Monkey's favorite Mexican Chico T. demodded. The will of the people aka XPT degenerates has been done, and Chico is no longer a mod.

The whore shilling Monstar will remain on staff for now. I wish he'd tell us more about the blowjobs he gets from these whores than how bright their cum guzzling superstar is shining.

Now you can masturbate to Chatsworth Pictures on demand!

#302708 - 02/27/08 09:14 AM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
Jigaloo Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 04/17/06
Posts: 7863
I'd like to nominate Pope Vin for modship.

#302709 - 02/27/08 09:34 AM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
Soopergrizz Offline
Porn Fucking Master

Registered: 02/23/05
Posts: 3724
Loc: Paddling my canoe in the wild

I'd like to nominate Pope Vin for modship.

Second. At least that would keep the black man down.

You're all still alive?

#302710 - 02/27/08 09:52 AM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL

This is a lame-ass ADT Move, but if it's final, I'll Third Pope Vin's nom. Hes funny as hell. ANYTHING but another eblab.

#302711 - 02/27/08 09:53 AM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
freestylah Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 12/28/07
Posts: 4856
Loc: The 4th International
I suggest a 'co-modship' for Jim B. and Soopergrizz. Or maybe Have2cit and William Hyde.
The only thing you got that I want, is your suffering.

#302712 - 02/27/08 10:00 AM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
Jigaloo Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 04/17/06
Posts: 7863
We could always have all modships stripped away and replaced by Darth and all his alts?

#302713 - 02/27/08 10:05 AM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
have2cit Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 08/09/06
Posts: 9113
Loc: red dirt state of mind
This is for Talent For Hire, isn't it? I recommend Brandon for mod, that way he can find some new "talent" for his shoots. I am only suggesting this because I am concerned for his safety. The little guy is going to get hurt hanging around a seedy bus station.

#302714 - 02/27/08 10:05 AM Re: Chico or Monstar Demod POLL
Vizzle Offline
Porn Fucking Master

Registered: 10/30/06
Posts: 3812
Loc: Neither here, nor there.
My vote goes for no one. I think there are plenty of mods already...if anything, we need to thin out the numbers a little more to help the board get back to being uncensored, and to keep the bannings down to a minimum.
"You know this is XXXPornTalk.com right? You sound like an ADT person. I want to poop on you." -Malice

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Moderator:  Jigaloo, Smelly Monkey 
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