
Lazy fuck

Pretty much...
You're here for my entertainment. Fucken deal with it.
That being said, some members here fancy themselves detectives, I do not. You fucken rodents will provide links and/or pics in your threads to maintain a good fellowship. Crying and whining will only enforce your status as n00b.

For those of you that still don't follow, this will be your thought process.

- 1.I want to make a thread.

- 2. Will my thread need a pic or link

(A) YES..

(B) No..

If your answer to question 1 is (A) YES please proceed to question 2.
If your answer is (B) NO then why the fuck are you reading this asswipe?

If the answer to question 2 is (A) YES, then make the thread and include link/pic.
If the answer is (B) NO, logout.

For those of you that need further positive reinforcement please proceed to AWOP to see how its done.

i just lock, load, and regret. - jamesn