As a long time consumer of porn. (translation- pervert, jerks off a lot, computer always gets corrupted by you fucks that send spyware and virus through porn sites) I was always a fan of the Red Light District product. It seemed like every porn site was using their product. It got a little bit annoying when EVERYBODY was using their content and there wasn't much variety. But all of that seemed to stop about 2 1/2 years ago. What gives? Did they lose a rock star sales guy that moved their product? Did they get fat and lazy? What?
Answers!! Give me some fucking answers!!! Ok, just kidding. But seriously, what happened? Why did the team that dominated the online market in terms of content all of sudden drop off the face of the earth?
Honestly, I don't know...I'm torn. We haven't talked since AVN (other than the hearing in February)- Eric on Bree Olson