3000th post.

Last weekend:

Fried Ling Cod with Moroccan Herb Sauce*
Golden Cauliflower**

This Thursday/Friday:

Roasted Butternut/Apple Juice Soup with Sizzled Sage (Moosewood recipe)
Brussels Sprouts Braised with White Onion and Bacon***
Olive-Oil Basted Roasted Asparagus with Shaved Parmeggiano-Reggiano and Sherry Vinegar
Spicy Cumin Sauce*
Mashed Potatoes
Roasted Turkey Breast (Joy of Cooking + digital temperature probe...NAILED IT!)
Gravy from the turkey fat, drippings, and homemade chicken stock and overly-seasoned with that "poultry seasoning" herb blend.

*-pretty much the same recipe with different names. Equal parts fresh cilantro and parsley, garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, hot paprika and/or cayenne, cumin, blended into a dark brown sauce.
**-best damn Cauliflower recipe; pan-roasted with garlic, fresh lemon juice and cilantro: http://www.razzledazzlerecipes.com/eatingout/eating_s/golden-cauliflower.htm
***-had to go to three stores to find quality brussels sprouts at an affordable price!

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"My people (the real Americans- descended from the original Angle-Saxon pioneers)"-Coke S.