
Suffice it to say, with a two party system (both of which are private organizations that set their own rules outside of any democratic process) we are screwed as American voters, being left with only the ability to chose the lesser of all evils.

Being a politician is supposed to be a public service, not a self enhancing career with the bill footed by taxpayers. I would sooner have Joe Blow, the struggling but successful small business owner, in charge of the country then any of the self-inflated talking heads that have been placed in front of us.

Indeed. I have no numbers to back this up, but I'd guess that less than 10% of the electorate truly votes "for" a candidate. The rest, as you said, vote for "the lesser of all evils."

Sometimes you'll see "Joe Blow the shopkeeper" run for City Council or some other local/state office. But the guys who run for President have almost without exception been running since they busted out of the womb.