
Other than the fact that he's not been in close contact with the Rev for years...

Years, huh? Dude, Obama and Wright hid out in the basement of the Illinois State House and prayed together right before Obama announced his candidacy. Wright was originally to deliver the invocation, but that invite was withdrawn because Obama knew that Wright was going to cause him trouble. (Sources: NY Times; Chicago Sun Times) So he hides the guy in the basement??? That, right there, clearly demonstrates that Obama was aware that his super-close relationship with Wright would be an albatross around his neck. Obama's about to learn, as Richard Nixon did before him, that it's not the deed that will kill you, but the cover-up.

To be honest, I can sort of understand Wrights "Why hast thou forsaken me" schtick at the National Press Club; if my protégé of twenty years decided to throw me under the bus, well, I'd be a little... ummm... "bitter," too.


How many privileged politicos do you think actually know a street level lunatic.

And besides Rev. Wright, exactly how many "street level lunatics" does Obama know?


Or experience ANYTHING that the average American experiences on a daily basis. He's not nearly as far removed from it as any of the other choices we've been given.

Right. Because boarding school in Hawaii and the Ivy league are just the kind of things that define the average American.


And the Clintons are liars and murderers (how soon we forget Whitewater)

You Bamists are always so quick to denounce the Clintons for "Republican" tactics, but embrace them fully when they suit your purpose. Like citing a discredited, paranoid conspiracy theory that led to one of the biggest boondoggles in American History. Or how about Obama's refusal to debate Clinton after the PA primary? Or, for that matter... ahh, forget it. I've already made that point.