
The biggest concern I have with Obama is that he has never had a position of policy responsibility at any level - he's never had to *do* anything, just talk about it. I see no reason he can't, but I'm not sure the Presidency is the right place for someone that green. There's no way to decide my vote based on how he'll handle surprises or emergencies because he's never faced them anywhere. I'd prefer to see him as a Cabinet Secretary or something for a couple of years and then run for President.

Even so, most pols are so far removed from the reality of the average American that they are clueless as to the needs of society. Obama is still relatively young and not so far away from his pre-political roots. He is the most mainstream American on the ticket (which I know isn't saying much) so hopefully he will be more realistic to the needs of America then his predecessors have been.

We've already had the Son trying to out-do his father (and failing miserably). Do we really need the Wife trying to out-do her husband?
I'd rather be ignorant than stupid. Ignorance implies a lack of knowledge which is easily correctable through education. Stupidity implies an inability to learn. Therefore; ignorance is temporary, stupidity is forever!