
The biggest concern I have with Obama is that he has never had a position of policy responsibility at any level - he's never had to *do* anything, just talk about it. I see no reason he can't, but I'm not sure the Presidency is the right place for someone that green. There's no way to decide my vote based on how he'll handle surprises or emergencies because he's never faced them anywhere. I'd prefer to see him as a Cabinet Secretary or something for a couple of years and then run for President.

How true. But, if his handling of the Wright/Ayers episodes is any indication, he'll likely try to paper it over with pablum and platitudes. As for experience, as I've said repeatedly, in a dozen years, both he and the country might be ready for an Obama Presidency. But not now.


But Kennedy knows he has a blank check and he will not be shy in using it.

And this goes to experience. A savvy politician would have danced with the man for some time before accepting the proposal. My prediction: Big Digs II, III, IV and V.


My concern with McCain is that he's awfully comfortable with pork-barrel politics and lobbying money, and he was in the thick of the S&L scandal a generation ago. Is this the guy to really change things in Washington?

It is cause for concern, but his subsequent actions (like the well-intentioned but fatally flawed McCain-Feingold bill) seem to indicate that he's learned from the past. Like Fatty, I'm far more concerned about his relationship with Rudy.


I take the contrarian view that her attacks on Obama are good experience for him so that he's not totally unprepared when he faces the Republicans in the general election.

I took the same view during Gore-Bradley 2000, and I worked on Gore's campaigns in NH and NY. While it did have some benefit, ultimately, they were both making their cases to Democrats. What he, Obama or any Democratic candidate needs is to learn how to make their case to the undecided voter. And, if PA and Ohio are any indication, he hasn't learned that lesson yet. Based on his record with Wright, Ayers and the "bitter" comments, I'm not sure if he will by November.


The difference is some belief in what is said. I don't think he buys a word of his unity bullshit and that his belief system lies closer to his reverends than to anyone else.

I think that, at core, he's an ivy-league educated snake-oil salesman selling hope to a disparate group of disillusioned people. He's going to end up disappointing millions, whether he loses to McCain or wins and becomes the next Jimmy Carter.