
I don't like McCain either, Fatty, but I'm certainly not going to vote for a wet-behind-the-jug-ears Pollyanna who thinks it's wrong to let Iran know that if they nuke Israel (or any of our allies) that we will obliterate them. Seriously, what world is this guy living in that he fails to grasp that the mullahs look upon diplomatic efforts as weakness. He's Jimmy Carter with a really deep tan, right down to the Dumbo ears and goofy, toothy grin.

I may end up casting a write-in ballot. I did that for Rudy-Dinkins II, when I couldn't bring myself to vote for either of them.

Like you w/McCail, nowhere did I say I liked Obama. I might be voting for the same candidate as you. I think whoever wins is likely a one-termer. I think the economy is going to tank, and the mid-east is only going to get far, far worse.

I weep for my beloved country.
Amo i Gemelli!! wink