
Ummm... right. Whatever you say, eblab. Maybe you can help Bam --er, sorry GiGi-- Jughead "elaborate" upon the "bitter" comments, while you're at it.

How about this as an explanation. He's the anti-Reagan.

Reagan picked up "Reagan Democrats" by telling the embitterred whatever they wanted to hear, as often as they wanted to hear it. Along with the pabulum of "morning in America" they were fed the nonsense of the Christian right until they equated the two just like Pavlov's dog and the bell.

Nearly 30 years after his election win, Republicans are still looking for a moutainside to carve Reagan's face into, and trying to exploit the same prejudices (yes, I said prejudices) that Reagan's handlers took advantage of.

Obama claims to be running a campaign on the basis that he is trying to break the paradigm of bullshit, often to his own detriment. One example is the unique way he LIMITS his own campaign contributions. Another way might be by telling the truth, even if it is not popular. Interestingly Romney tried to do the same thing (in a slightly different way), and is now on the sidelines because of it.

His comments in San Francisco were a "gaffe" in the true sense of the word - "Accidentally telling the truth".
You're all still alive?