
Clinton didn't actually win Texas. Even though the popular vote went in her favor, Obama took more delegates. The Texas Dem Party apportions primary and caucus votes as it sees fit. In this election, they saw fit to award more delegates to affluent white suburbs and areas populated by blacks, while effectively disenfranchising the state's Hispanic voters.

With this kind of bullshit and the existence of superdelegates, who can really say that the Dem party is the party of the people?

The Mexicans got fucked? Welcome to America. Superdelegates are meant to keep the peasants from going nuts and bringing up a candidate that's popular but too loopy to make it on the national stage and to keep them from hijacking the party, a la Chicago 1968. Almost like the electoral college keeps the hoi polloi from going too far and the senate keeps the house from diving off a cliff on every piece of legislation. Undemocratic? Probably, just as much as the electoral college sham.
Mild Mannered Minion
I feel the pull on the rope, let me off at the rainbow
-Anyway, Genesis