
I always thought the Yanks/Giants and Mets/Jets thing was both a class and regional thing, in addition to having albeit less to do with a mutual stadium.

Yanks/Giants were a LITTLE more upscale and generally from Manhattan, Bronx, Staten island, Jersey, Westchester.

Jets/Mets out of the Dodger tradition of being a BIT more blue collar and Brooklyn, Queens, Long Island based.

Both my grandfathers were decidedly blue collar and split evenly Yanks/Giants (Manhattan born) and Mets(Dodgers)/Jets (outta Brooklyn.) The first one took me to the games, though, so I have been in that camp for decades. Too many decades.

I couldn't have said it better. The original Mets fans were almost exclusively disaffected Dodger/Giant fans still hurting from their teams' respective moves to California in the Mid-50's. Yet another proud legacy of Robert Moses.

Throughout Queens and most of Brooklyn, you'll get funny looks (at the very least) if you say you're a Yankees fan. Obviously, the reverse is true in the Bronx. In Manhattan, as Charlie says, it depends on your neighborhood/circumstances. Out on Staten Island, it depends on when and from which other borough your family arrived, with the dividing line (as is usually the case) being the expressway: Yankees fans to the North, mets fans to the South.

People from Long Island and Westchester are usually too oblivious to notice...