the king, this is your biggest load of shit yet.

you seem be pushing the idea that adopting a pet is somehow like adopting a child, that it takes luck and patience. that it's hard to find an animal that needs a home. this is incorrect. there are so many cats, dogs, birds without homes, it would make your head spin. if pet stores stopped selling pets, you would not have trouble finding one to adopt.

and where can i find these not-so-secret secret plans? if it's not on their site, if it's not part of their mission statement or whatever, how is it not a "secret agenda"? telling me i'm an idiot for not seeing it doesn't actually prove anything. please show me some proof of your claims that their goal is to eradicate pet ownership. because, if that is actually their goal, i wouldn't worry about it. it 'aint happening.

and i believe i mentioned that petsmart can still make plenty of bank selling supplies for animals. i still have to get a camouflage collar for my cat, right? a dog still gotta eat some dog food, no?

and i'm not sure what you're getting at mentioning that you've spent more on health care for your animals than you have for yourself. bully for you. so what? i'm not trying to attack you personally, and even if big bad peta is, this has nothing to do with peta. it seems you'd rather spite peta than give a shit about the animals in the video.

i'm fully aware that they want petsmart to stop selling pets. i don't believe i tried to hide that fact. (if i came across that way, then it was unintentional) i agree with them. selling pets in pet stores, even if they were bred in better conditions, encourages uninformed and impulse buying, and greatly increases the odds that things will turn out bad for the animal and the owner. if you really want a pet, it's not very much trouble to adopt, or find a reputable breeder. (i don't agree with no breeding, period, if that makes you feel better)
They're all human beings, and though she may be a liar and a manipulator, it's probably because she doesn't know any other way to survive.