
I understand kangaroos are as big a hazard down under as deer are here.

Deer are a hazard? [the guy living above the Lincoln Tunnel queries ...] Didn't know that. In what way?

I once got attacked by a deer in Yosemite in 1975. It was a young male, and it got irritated after I rubbed the "fur" on its new antlers. It tried to headbutt me over-and-over with it's antlers ... much to my amusement.

It hurt slightly. But, my brother and I found it mostly humorous. We got yelled at by my dad and a park ranger mostly for feeding the deer.

When it came back the next day for more food, we decided to disobey and feed it again. It did not repeat the "attack" ... likely since I did not pet its antlers.
Amo i Gemelli!! wink