
i was looking at their website, and i don't see anything about taking away your dog. i saw stuff about spaying and neutering, stopping the chaining of dogs, and not selling dogs in pet stores, but no stopping you from having a dog. is this a secret mission that only you and fox news are aware of?

seriously, what do you mean by that?

and what does peta have to do with anything? if i heard about this shit on rush limbaugh, should i just be like "fuck rush limbaugh", and do nothing?

Not selling dogs in pet stores would probably make it pretty difficult to own a dog. And don't be so naive to think that that isn't their ultimate goal. They don't want people to eat meat, own pets or have anything to do with animals except letting them run wild. If they really wanted to help the animals in the video why are they putting pressure on Petsmart to stop selling animals rather than pressuring them to use a more humane pet supplier? To that end, why go after Petsmart at all and not the "Rainbow World Exotics", the ones actually mistreating the animals? Answer, they don't want people keeping pets.

edit - accept is not except

Edited by k1ng (01/24/08 09:28 PM)
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