Another weekend of bondo on the whips, and silicone on the $30K millionaires from South Snottsdale. Here's what a "$30K millionaire" douchebag does...drops a scratched, busted Bentley grill onto his used Chrysler 300...

Some of the more...ahem...respectable things up for auction:

1930 custom Ford Model A

1966 Plymouth GTO convertible. I think there is a Beach Boys song about this one.

1965 Shelby Dayton Coupe, with 525hp Roush engine, 0-60 in 3.5 seconds.

1963 Chevy Corvette concept car

1970 Jaguar XKE 2 roadster

1969 Dodge Chargerm 425hp numbers-matching Hemi engine

1955 Ford Thunderbird convertible

They're also going to sell off some of the crap from that old "Monster Garage" TV show, like the golf ball collector car, the lawnmower car, etc.. I think Sonny Crockett's boat from "Miami Vice" is up for sale, too.

See you Saturday.