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#294059 - 01/07/08 05:13 PM Banned on GFY, Donny Long Tells Joe Loughlin: See You in Court, Asshole


Porn Valley- Apparently Donny Long's banned from posting on GFY.com. Over the weekend, Long's nemesis, Joe Loughlin, posted some recent exchanges he had with Long.

In the back and forth of it, Long says something about suing Loughlin. But no one following the threads could quite make out over what incident Long was talking about and why he would sue.

Then Cleopatra, Long's pr girl, stepped in to comment and clarify [she includes some history behind the feud which was prompted by Long's directing Gullible Teens for Loughlin].

First, here are her remarks followed by the Long-Loughlin exchanges posted by Loughlin on GFY.

Cleopatra writes: Yes this matter is going to court. First off the cuban comment came from Joe, learn to read. Second there was a lot more to the icq than what joe posted. There were alot of things Joe left out. Like the fact that he got donny ban here and gfy is letting him do this.

amacontent (01:07 PM) :
ill get you banned from some other boards i think like i did gfy

Cleopatra continues: To anyone against us, we are not going to let anyone do this kind of childishness slander on any board and get away with it. Hopefully gfy admin does something soon before it leaks onto other sites, that they are allowing this to go on.

gfy asked us to keep the bullshit drama off the boards and we have but Joe has still not.

also for anyone that wants know what he [Loughlin] did a year ago here it is off


Donny Long Vs. Pink Kitty

Donny Long emails:

Hey luke please put this up on your site for everyone to read titled "the begining of the end of joe Loughlin and dennis ormen ama/pink kitty".

Once upon a time dennis from ama aka pink kitty came to me when I was shooting for them as talent and he said we like you and your idieas we would like to hire you as our director and have you shoot some dvds for us and we will do a big press release in avn that "donny long" is pink kittys new contract director and that it would also be good for exsposure for me as talent in the biz and that I would learn a lot since I had never held camara before.

Also that my name would be on the box and in the search engine under talent for the movies and under director. I thought, well what can it hurt what the hell. Only problem is that I had heard a lot of bad things about joe and that to watch out because he has stiffed alot of people for money.

see example on pornstarperformance.com titled Joe from AMA.......Burns Talent $500.00 . also I even saw joe yell at the top of his lungs to andrew andrti and threaten to "kick his f---ing ass" one time if he didn't get the f--- out of his office because he was a little late for a shoot which is a bunch of talk. I would love for joe to try that s--- with me!!!!!I have read a lot of stories of him not paying talent and also him being a dick and I told dennis that and also told him if he f---ed me it would be the last person he f---ed because I will f--- him a thousand dollars for every dollar he f---s me.

Dennis replied not to worry, that he came from ohio and bought half of joe's company because of him running it into the ground and he's here now running it and changing everything, like the name for instance (ama to pink kitty.) So dennis seemed cool and I gave everyone the benifit of the doubt, but I told him, because of the known reputation as stated above, that me and them should do only one dvd for now.

I will direct and be talent in and we'll do it right and pay a friend of mine to shoot video and stills since I'm new at that. In addition, that I would get girls to do some content trade for the movie so we could have a low budget, but only would I do that for 50/50 on sales for the dvd because I can get girls to do content without them(Joe & Dennis).

Why should they get a copy? He said, "great", 50/50 was the deal and they would put all their money up front for production. So I went and shot a B/B/G/G, g/g, 2 b/g, and 2 dp,s also both dp scenes were for content and some of the other talent in the other scenes. As I'm completing the movie the last day I get a call from dennis saying joe said he was spending too much on this movie might I add the location was free also a 4 bedroom house I rented and was living in.

So joe was either going to forget everything or only give me 25% now after I had allready put all my time and some of his money in the project and that would mean he got to keep my content for free which is not fair at all so I had no choice but to say ok. Now when we talked about numbers he said the movies he just released had sold 3500 and 3000 pieces at 10 to 12 dollars each through juicy video!!!!!! So I was thinking still good money if I listened to his bulls---!!!!!

After the movie was shot I was to get a copy of all cost from editing to box cover design and so on and after movie sold enough to cover all cost then I would start making money. The movie was shot somewhere around march and it didnt get released till Street Date: AUGUST 29, 2006 GULLIBLE TEENS by Pink Kitty Video / Juicy Entertainment and since then i have asked many times for numbers on sales and cost of the movie from joe and dennis and got nothing but the run around.IF YOU SEARCH GULLIBLE TEENS PORN DVD ONLINE DONNY LONG IS NOT ON THE BOXCOVER OR UNDER TALENT, OR UNDER DIRECTOR.

Also the box was done very poorly, I shot alot of cute teen pix of the younger girls in the movie like Hailey Young and Emily Evermoore in cute little book bags that should have been on the box and were not. The worst pix out of a couple thousand pix got put on the box. ALSO ALOT OF OTHER THINGS I WONT MENTION YET!!! I do want to say the people at juicy video are very nice and very helpful which it is not their job to give me numbers but they did talk with me about it.

So after now not getting a penny and having to play phone tag with joe and dennis which dennis dodges my calls and has had one of his wives give me the run around for over a month, I have no choice but to get nasty!!!!!!!!! there will be a follow up letter about all of this coming soon but as for now the purpose of this letter is 2 things, one to let everyone know who you are dealing with when you deal with them, and second a warning to dennis and joe that if i dont get my money by the end of the week its going to cost them alot more.

remember there are alot of things i know about those guys doing things that can put them in alot of trouble!!!!!!!!!!! go check out the los angeles vice unit that deals with people shooting without permits also agencies that deal with people shooting porn around people your not supose to shoot around. dennis knows what that means and my next post might reveal that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and a bunch of other things i wont mention "yet" I know everyone is reading this and probably thinking thats f---ed up if i start causing them trouble like that but guess what i dont give a F#$%.

i want my f$%^&*( money now and im not going to play the phone tag game anymore. i told Joe in my last email that i hate chasing money and this was going to get nasty!!!!!!!!! I dont want commision anymore i have played tag too much i want to be bought out on rights for the movie!!! and im not talking about 50 or 100 bucks he has made plenty off the movie on the net and his website allready, he told me!!!!!! The only reason I have not pushed this to a civil law suit yet, is because an agreement was typed up by me, that is on my laptop, and Dennis has read and agreed to it, but never signed it because stupidly at that time I did not think anyone woulb be stupid enough to try to f*** me over...throwing rocks at a glass house if you know what i mean.

hopefully they will read this and we can resolve this without going any further. but if not, everyone will now know why I would be more than willing to cause someone so much headache which could turn into costing them a lot of money. ps. everyone reading this please tell me your thoughts and opinions on how I should deal with such losers that have f***** over and ripped off so many people in this business, and what an acceptable amount would be. My email is xxxfilmjobs@hotmail.com

...hey guys wanted to give everyone a update of the scum bags at ama/pink kitty. since i put up the last post i have got sevaral emails from people that have got f---ed by them and i dont understand why people dont stand up and do something????? here is one email from a guy that wanted to remain unheard

hey Donny, My name is ******, I am the owner of ***, I have had some run-ins with Joe....he tried to extort thousands from me..he is all talk and nothing else.... if you have any questions...please let me know...but I have a restraining order against him and I might be able to help you out... arnold ps..he owes me tons of movies... Thank you, and here is another Hey

avsb bDonny, Its ********, if you remember me i was once a director for Joe and Dennis too and they owe me over 2grand and released movies i shot without my name on them or me getting the profits we agreed on. You know all about what happened to Dick too.... So, welcome to the club man.... go get 'em. -***

The following are the Long-Loughlin exchanges, in turn, posted on GFY:

donnylongproductions (01:40 PM) :
I have 2 more girls coming today to add to your no list hahahhahaa
amacontent (01:40 PM) :
dude add them all i dont care
donnylongproductions (01:40 PM) :
you will
amacontent (01:40 PM) :
you are the man donny
amacontent (01:41 PM) :
your the # 1 producer in LA
amacontent (01:41 PM) :
everyone should be like u
donnylongproductions (01:41 PM) :
grow some balls
amacontent (01:41 PM) :
nah I like having a vagina
donnylongproductions (01:43 PM) :
cant wait till your homeless
amacontent (01:43 PM) :
i have lots of boxes
donnylongproductions (01:45 PM) :
your going to have lots of nothing soon pussy ass
amacontent (01:45 PM) :
your right im getting my boxes together
donnylongproductions (01:48 PM) :
you think you so smart but funny thing is a year ago when shit hit the fan for you you were not mr. though guy and this time you wont be either
amacontent (01:48 PM) :
last time u caught me with my pants down u rat
donnylongproductions (01:48 PM) :
very very soon you will shut up put you faggot little dick between your legs and shut that big mouth and be sorry just like you were a year ago watch
donnylongproductions (01:49 PM) :
your pants are down again thats what you dont see ahhahaha
donnylongproductions (01:26 PM) :
you fucked with someone that is a lot smarter than you dumb ass
amacontent (01:26 PM) :
but im still here
amacontent (01:26 PM) :
you cant even spell you illiterate fuck
donnylongproductions (01:26 PM) :
yea and you cant fight pussy ass
amacontent (01:27 PM) :
well throw the 1st punch at the show
amacontent (01:27 PM) :
ive taken more on the ice than u can EVER dish out
donnylongproductions (01:27 PM) :
bla bla bla like i said me and you any day you grow some balls come by
amacontent (01:27 PM) :
amacontent (01:27 PM) :
im not gonna do shit
amacontent (01:27 PM) :
ill just continue doin biz
donnylongproductions (01:27 PM) :
fuck you and your sissy ass ice grow some balls
amacontent (01:27 PM) :
you come to my house
amacontent (01:27 PM) :
ill be in the driveway
amacontent (01:28 PM) :
throw 1st punch
amacontent (01:28 PM) :
Dave will be here to mediate
donnylongproductions (01:28 PM) :
yea thats why your here bullshiting on icq and my photographer is take photos of carmela bing asshole
amacontent (01:28 PM) :
donnylongproductions (01:28 PM) :
see you in court asshole
amacontent (01:29 PM) :
im posting all this on GFY its hilarious
amacontent (01:29 PM) :
WOW you shooting Carmella Bing
amacontent (01:29 PM) :
donnylongproductions (01:29 PM) :
by the way have he holding sign that say ama joe is a fat little dick loser that is on my no list hahahha
amacontent (01:29 PM) :
yeah and where ya gonna post it
amacontent (01:29 PM) :
ill bump it
donnylongproductions (01:29 PM) :
post that to asswipe see you in court
amacontent (01:30 PM) :
lets see you said 10 times see u in court DO IT
amacontent (01:30 PM) :
you cuban refugee fag
amacontent (01:31 PM) :
dont leave this is fun
donnylongproductions (01:31 PM) :
I will no list boy hahahha you sould see the pic of you i have in the talent waiting area
donnylongproductions (01:31 PM) :
and it say put ama joe on your no list hahahhaa

donnylongproductions (01:02 PM) :
by the way you got a law suit coming your way thought you were going to slit [slip] gullible teens past me and the content scenes you dont have permission from me to use that were not in the first gullible teen huu well your fucked see you in court asshole
amacontent (01:03 PM) :
are you on drugs i own that shit
donnylongproductions (01:03 PM) :
no you dont
amacontent (01:04 PM) :
youre saying i dont own that content?
donnylongproductions (01:04 PM) :
amacontent (01:04 PM) :
funny i have all the release and ids in my companys name
amacontent (01:04 PM) :
but knock yourself out
donnylongproductions (01:04 PM) :
also that scene with nadia styles i did that you never paid me for i will add to the sue
amacontent (01:05 PM) :
knock yourself out mr banned
donnylongproductions (01:05 PM) :
I am fag boy see you in court
amacontent (01:05 PM) :
amacontent (01:05 PM) :
you have my address
amacontent (01:06 PM) :
tell you fag Cuban daddy hi also
amacontent (01:06 PM) :
i hear you suck cock btw
amacontent (01:08 PM) :
but let me get this straight,, the scenes from the 1st Gullible Teens you say I cant use as I paid all the talent?
amacontent (01:08 PM) :
the one you and Dave did for me
amacontent (01:13 PM) :
you are an idiot lol wait til my website comes out HAHAHAHA
donnylongproductions (01:17 PM) :
see you in court asshole I am going to wipe my ass with you
amacontent (01:17 PM) :
YAWWWN another donny long threat

donnylongproductions (01:18 PM) :
yea just like last time it was not a treat it wont be this time
amacontent (01:18 PM) :
SO JUST DO IT !!!!!!!!

#294060 - 01/08/08 03:03 PM Re: Banned on GFY, Donny Long Tells Joe Loughlin: See You in Court, Asshole
the unknown pervert Offline
Porn Jesus

Registered: 03/22/07
Posts: 5186
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This is about 25 more paragraphs worth of attention than Donny Long has deserved for his entire life.
I would eat Allie Sin's asshole until I got an emotion out of her.-Jerkules


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