I applied to a big mainstream company for a
video encoder of their hundreds of theatrical films
that they plan to stream thru their website. When I got
to the interview, they realized I had all my experience
in making xxx websites, and in adult dvd production,
and on adult film sets, and they were aghast. The main
guy interviewing me treated me like a slime, which
I am not, and didnt speak professionally to me. I had
more experience about the technical things involved
in the work for which I was being interviewed, and
he acknowledged he didnt know (or care) about that,
he just thought I was some low- life. So, just to
let you know, mainstream is a strange world and
you should be careful who you tell about your porn
work and background. They are programmed by religion,
and IBM so they can work as robots in office cubicles.
Mainstream world separates men and women and
causes mistrust between them. Porn world actually is
much more honest and caring.