

It's called being omnipotent. I beg you all to please turn this thread back to Bobbi Starr. Apologies to anyone hoping for Bobby Starr to enter the biz. (I'm looking at you, paperchaste.) Will you settle for Bobby Manilla? Bobby Rinaldi??

hmmm, I have no idea who those two people are Brandon, but if they're gay talent you're worrying me again.

I have done an incredible amount of research to figure you out, Sir. My findings will be published in book form and attached to May's dvd release. Here's the Executive Summary: You are what's known as a "bug chaser." You are only interested in discussing men and disease. As soon as the topic shifts (this is, after all, a thread about Bobbi Starr) to anything other than men or STDs, you....well, you know what you do. My scientific mind only wanted to know why.

It's simple. You are seeking out information on men with diseases and hoping to contract them yourself. You are not man enough to go whole hog for HIV+ status, but you'll dabble with anything less severe. You get a chubby at the mention of chlamydia. You perspire when you read about gonnorhea. You salivate at the thought of breaking off a few anal warts, roasting them on a stick over a campfire, and chewing them like mini marshmellows. You are a sick, sick man.....well, not quite as sick as you want to be, eh?

If you'd like help, here is some information.



While I do not condone your methods, I do encourage you to get the psychological help you need.

P.S. I don't have time to respond to the PM you sent me late last night. Basically, though, the Mann Act has nothing to do with what you mentioned. It's a Federal law that prohibits interstate transport of individuals for immoral purposes. It cannot help you buy or sell men. Those days ended in 1865 with the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. Guess that 13 is really unlucky for you...sorry.