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#288552 - 12/26/07 08:10 PM
Re: My question to formerly Kara Bear/Care Bear!!!
That's when I called one of my favorite people in the industry- Eli Thomas.
Eli....wow.....being repped by good old Eli.
my condolences.
#288553 - 12/27/07 03:05 PM
Re: My question to formerly Kara Bear/Care Bear!!!
Stormy's Lawyer
Registered: 10/28/07
Posts: 22
Eli actually helped me out a lot. I think he was great. However, near the end he had a lot to keep track of && not enough help. I was sent to the wrong shoots, he forgot about them.. But that was just the end, everything else was great. && I understand why these mistakes happen, I can't hold one thing against him.
#288554 - 12/27/07 03:08 PM
Re: My question to formerly Kara Bear/Care Bear!!!
Stormy's Lawyer
Registered: 10/28/07
Posts: 22
Everyone already knows this stupid. OOoo I'm doing porn with my REAL name. Big deal, woohoo. My goals are to have a house paid off by the end of this so I can work a stupid no-stress job for the rest of my life so me && my son can be okay. So who cares. My life is planned out && using my REAL NAME does not interfere with any part of it.
Do you think I'm the ONLY girl using her real name? No. You are like a little pest, for real.
#288556 - 12/27/07 04:26 PM
Re: My question to formerly Kara Bear/Care Bear!!!
Porn Jesus
Registered: 03/22/07
Posts: 5186
Loc: Joshua Tree National Park
Does the 7 key on your keyboard stick whenever you hit the shift keys?
I would eat Allie Sin's asshole until I got an emotion out of her.-Jerkules
#288557 - 12/28/07 07:15 AM
Re: My question to formerly Kara Bear/Care Bear!!!
Ed Hardy Wearing Loser
Registered: 08/10/05
Posts: 42
I use my real name and my stage name. I never understood why ppl used stage names other than have a cool sounding name. However, right wingers and religious nuts ARE out there and will fuck with you just cause they are close minded idiots.
Shawna, you are smoking hot. I'm going to book you in Jan or Feb for my latest site iBangPornstars.com
#288558 - 12/28/07 08:09 AM
Re: My question to formerly Kara Bear/Care Bear!!!
Stormy's Lawyer
Registered: 10/28/07
Posts: 22
I use my real name and my stage name. I never understood why ppl used stage names other than have a cool sounding name. However, right wingers and religious nuts ARE out there and will fuck with you just cause they are close minded idiots.
Shawna, you are smoking hot. I'm going to book you in Jan or Feb for my latest site iBangPornstars.com
Thanks. You need to call Exotic Asap if you want to book me, I think I'm booked through the end of Febuary.
I hope some pathetic nut contacts me. I really do. See.. I will admit I love to play games with people when they start shit. Wanna start something, I will make your live a living hell. Show up at my door- Expect the same. However, these people come with the job. It is to be expected. I get recognized at airports mostly. I hate it, but I have to be nice. So people will find out regardless.
I don't get stage names either. Specially for those common girl names, Sarah- Jennifer- Jessica- etc. Stage names are characters. I refuse to be a character. I'm giving you guys the real thing. When I say I'm cumming- Believe me- I'm CUMMING!
#288560 - 12/28/07 10:56 AM
Re: My question to formerly Kara Bear/Care Bear!!!
Registered: 10/21/05
Posts: 2710
Real names are so over...if you want to be a real trendsetter, you should perform under your Social Security number or maybe an Australian's credit card number
#288561 - 12/29/07 09:51 AM
Re: My question to formerly Kara Bear/Care Bear!!!
Stormy's Lawyer
Registered: 10/28/07
Posts: 22
Real names are over.. When were they IN? lol. Many girls use real names and DON'T tell you.. Moron. And AGAIN.. I am not ashamed. Someone asks me what I do.. I MAKE PORN!!  )
When I had a stage name, I had some freak send my medical records, every speeding ticket info, etc. etc.. So whats the point? The government still knows what name you work under. Doesn't make a difference. Anyone can find out info of ANY girl if they were to try hard enough && find the resources. Socials aren't hard to come by either. Get up to date, no one is safe.
Long time ago, I bought a plane ticket by phone. My credit card was recorded. But no ticket was bought. Later I found thousand of dollars was taken out mysteriously from my account. Took me a couple months to straighten it out. Wasn't that big of a deal because this shit happens all the time.
I also must add that Shawna is my first name. Lenee is not my middle or last. But very close to my middle name. So someone would have a bit of trouble finding me by just "Shawna Lenee". But my real name is all over my biographies anyways. So really, tell me.. How does it make a difference?
#288563 - 12/29/07 05:28 PM
Re: My question to formerly Kara Bear/Care Bear!!!
Stormy's Lawyer
Registered: 12/10/07
Posts: 20
I use my real name and my stage name. I never understood why ppl used stage names other than have a cool sounding name. However, right wingers and religious nuts ARE out there and will fuck with you just cause they are close minded idiots.
Shawna, you are smoking hot. I'm going to book you in Jan or Feb for my latest site iBangPornstars.com
What the fuck, Geoff? So why do you go by XXXReviewer here @ XPT?
Either way, if you have any recourse against these slimeballs, I wish you the best. I noticed an excerpt from the 'anonymous letter' stating that it came from a former Marine. Good ol' wholesome American values at work for ya!
#288565 - 12/29/07 05:51 PM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
Stormy's Lawyer
Registered: 10/28/07
Posts: 22
Lol. I will totally be sure to do that next time  )
#288567 - 12/29/07 08:51 PM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
Stormy's Lawyer
Registered: 12/10/07
Posts: 20
This is the most disturbing rash of emails I've had with a porn whore...umm, ever. This child just doesn't seem to get it?
Or perhaps I don't get it?
And still sir, you have no arguement. As I said.. I dont know who YOU have met, what type of girls you hang out with.. But I know many girls, && each of them are smart. Maybe some in certain areas and others in different ones. LOL I don't get the big picture. Ha, okay. Good one. When I have dealt with these girls DAILY for THREE years. Yeah I met one dumb girl or maybe TWO at the most. But 50% are stupid.. You are wrong sir. Look in the real world how many women are fucked up, cant take responsibility for their kids, fail again and again. You didn't just give me a compliment.. You dissed a LOT of friends of mine. I am a porn girl. && your talking a bunch of bullshit because you have nothing better to do. It's not equal you moron. You said you know what a COUPLE girls. They fuck you over or something? You have a grudge your acting upon?
By the way, I chain smoke. Have been doing so since before porn. && I really dont give a fuck what you think about me or my friends because your just as UNintellegent for being a porn guy. Just like ALL porn guys. I'm sure you sit at your computer like ALL other men and jack off ALL day long to women you know you can't have. I mean, ALL perverted men do this. So you must too.
Why dont you join Shelly Lubben's page. Sure she would love you there. PORN KILLS! Girls chain smoke because of PORN!! OMG. The world is coming to an end.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Auggie
Date: Dec 29, 2007 6:53 PM
Sorry dear, but you're violins aren't playing my tune. In case you didn't notice, I play around in the industry a little bit, too. Not alot, certainly not full-time, but enough to know more than you give me credit for.
Maybe it's YOU who doesn't see the big picture? Obviously jumping to conclusions that someone isn't smart b/c they smoke (or whatever)? That's obsurd. I may not like smoking, but nowhere have I / do I link it one's intelligence or education. That would be like calling a barfly a moron because of his excessive alcoholism, but he may not necessarily drink.
And to figure this whole discussion began over a simple compliment over your HTML skills. I find it rather amazing that a porn whore is playing Captain Save-a-Ho amidst her own...? You may have a gift darlin, but I can assure you 50% (or more) of your coworkers do not. The sooner you realize that, the better off you'll be. Whether you like it or not, IF you do have a brain, your peers aren't common.
The more you defend porn whores as some kind of intelligent quotient amongst the labor pool, the less educated I find you - especially for someone who is only 20 years old. Rather, it appears as if you're trying to find some self-validation as one of few intelligent porn chicks. There are indeed smart porn chicks, why you think I'm demonizing the entire industry I do not know, but there are equally as many girls out there who are self-absorbed airheads, whether you like it or not...and they're not just toying around.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Shawna Lenee
Date: Dec 29, 2007 8:40 PM
Not any one of the girls I know. I think you are just jumping on the band wagon here. I don't know what porn girls you know.. But I have yet to meet one who I wouldn't call smart. Ooo a porn girl smokes. LOL. Like no other people do but porn girls. Come on. You know your arguement threw nothing at the fact we aren't 'smart'. Think about some other reasons that are legit. && feel free to let me know.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Auggie
Date: Dec 29, 2007 3:29 PM
Well, that's good for you Shawna, but contrary to your personal belief on the matter, I'm pretty well in the know that alot of porn girls aren't nearly as smart as you'd like to think.
Yes, owning your own "productions" or whatever is admirable, but very few girls I've seen in this industry have enough knowhow to get themselves out of bed, let alone put away for their post-porn futures. Most of them are golddigger types, who chain-smoke (or worse), and plan on leaching themselves to a sugar-daddy who will pay for everything. I feel sorry for both parties in such scenarios.
Regardless, kudos to you for actually knowing "something", ESPECIALLY web design, etc.
----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Shawna Lenee
Date: Dec 29, 2007 3:31 PM
Acually I have been a certified webmaster at the age of 14. I have had numberous sites since then. Non adult. I design all my own shit. However, 99% of us porn girl DO know how to put an image. Damn. Thanks for telling me you think we are retarded when we are probably the most alpha females in this country, each owning our own companies. I don't think it's myspace.. it has worked for everone else.
Privacy, nyah. I couldn't help but share this with y'all. This whore is not only stoopit, but exhibits how many porn whores are completely incoherent to discussion & think the world is casting an evil spell on them. She seems to think I'm a Lubben follower, too. All this from a whore who almost off'd herself a few years ago.
Shawna dear, can you say "copout"? I predict you'll be another wash out that needs to take creep dick up her ass to make the rent a year from now. The clock is ticking, and you're already on life #2 (or 3 if you count the wrist-slashing incident).
And where else did I make reference to chain smoking, other than to say that most whores I know do it? You made all the other assumptions, and appear to be a proud smoker at the ripe, wise age of 20.
She got so bent out of shape over it, that she blogged about it on MySpace & booted me from her friends list. I'm so heart-broken...yet, I eagerly await the fanmail, so I flag each one of them as SPAM. 
#288569 - 12/29/07 09:15 PM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
Porn Jesus
Registered: 03/22/06
Posts: 6557
Loc: 2004 - the glory days
Shawna, seriously, how far off on the horizon is the day you start doing anal? Never, soon, don't know?
"You are the worst poster in xpt yet I can't stop talking about you" - smelly monkey
#288570 - 12/30/07 08:57 AM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
Stormy's Lawyer
Registered: 10/28/07
Posts: 22
Thanks for leaving much of that message out, if your gonna post something.. Post it ALL.
You are pathetic. You said 99% of us girls are stupid. I don't appreciate you talking about my girls.
AHHH! Porn causes girls to chain smoke! But I still watch porn. Come on dude. Get a life. I'm on life #2. LOL, && I'm doing 100% better than EVER! Honestly dude. You are the creepy dick I need to worry about.
How many times have I asked you- WHO do you know that is stupid? Since you know us girls.. No answer. Do you know anyone? Seems like you have made a lot of shit up in the past 24 hours.
Haha, && yes, I did post a stupid blog about you. Because I want to show the world how you think about us porn whores. && all my girlies now know that you aren't that true "Gentlemen" you claim to be.
WAhhh. Crybaby. Shawna Lenee wrote a blog about me. Omg, I'm going to cry to the whole world. Obviously, you are a little bit more heart broken than you think
Keep sitting at your keyboard all day. && keep bustin loads to the girls you think are stupid. Must be something that turns you on. OOO she's not smart, oh im gonna cum, im gonna nut. OOoo shes stupid... Dammit. Gotta go buy a new keyboard. Stupid whores. It's all their fault.
Rent in a year or two?! LOL. You must know stupid whores. I'm buying a condo pretty soon. Going to look at one today. && It will be paid off in a year-half-maybe two at the most. So, as you know.. Because of porn.. I don't have rent or a house payment for the rest of my life  Seems like I'm a lot smarter than you on this one. HAHA rent. Thats funny.
I deleted you because you wouldn't stop messaging me starting shit. However, I did not mark you as spam. I do have a heart and that would be shitty for you to be deleted for a fake spam claim.
#288571 - 12/30/07 09:01 AM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
Stormy's Lawyer
Registered: 10/28/07
Posts: 22
Well, Bitchcraft #2 is coming out soon from Jake Malone. I let Amber Rayne && Kim Kane play with my ass. Not much because it hurt lol. But I think you will love it, I know many of you have waited for my ass to be penetrated. Check it out!
I'm taking things really slow. When I'm in the mood I will play  Amber && Kim turned me on so much.. I let them do anything they wanted to me. Love those girls.. && They aren't stupid either.
I dont have a time frame.. I said never before.. However, I want to try it. I have done it a few times in my personal life. There are times I just think "Damn, I want it up my ass."
#288572 - 12/30/07 11:04 AM
Re: The porn WHORE formerly known as Kara Bear
Stormy's Lawyer
Registered: 12/10/07
Posts: 20
Thanks for leaving much of that message out, if your gonna post something.. Post it ALL.
You are pathetic. You said 99% of us girls are stupid. I don't appreciate you talking about my girls.
Can you quote me saying anything about 99%? Maybe you misquoted me for some anti-porn crusader you get email from? I think I said something in the realm of 50%, and I stand by it.
AHHH! Porn causes girls to chain smoke! But I still watch porn. Come on dude. Get a life. I'm on life #2. LOL, && I'm doing 100% better than EVER! Honestly dude. You are the creepy dick I need to worry about.
Nowhere have I ever read, stated or assumed that porn causes girls to chain smoke. Again, you're filling my mouth with words & assumptions that you initiated.
Matter of fact, I think that the majority of girls who DO smoke in porn did so long before they got into the industry. Your efforts to make my comments out to look like some anti-porn crusader's message are jokeworthy.
How many times have I asked you- WHO do you know that is stupid? Since you know us girls.. No answer. Do you know anyone? Seems like you have made a lot of shit up in the past 24 hours.
Silly whore, I don't name drop. Wait, I do know of one. Kara Bare, OR "life is so screwed up but I can't go back to porn b/c that would be eating humble pie, so I'll die my hair, get new tits & change my name to ___ so I can fuck for money again because it's the only thing I'm good at" Shawna Lenee.
Haha, && yes, I did post a stupid blog about you. Because I want to show the world how you think about us porn whores. && all my girlies now know that you aren't that true "Gentlemen" you claim to be.
Where do I claim to be a gentleman, please post a link? I AM a nice guy, I'll cop to that, but please don't give me more credit than where it's due. I'm a total dick, and often a blunt asshole at times.
Moreso, you've again put words in my mouth using the collective "us porn whores". Was I speaking to/about ALL of you, vicariously through you, oh freckle-faced, fake-tittied, bleach-blonde porn whore? I think not.
BTW, you still appear to have that double 7 problem when making use of an ampersand.
WAhhh. Crybaby. Shawna Lenee wrote a blog about me. Omg, I'm going to cry to the whole world. Obviously, you are a little bit more heart broken than you think
Ahh, the next graduate of post-porn psychiatry school. I confess, I bawled the entire weekend about the blog I couldn't read.
Honestly, your hiding the fact is what fueled this post. If you really want to take a shot at me, make it a PUBLIC blog, not just one friends can read. Allow XPT & I to read it just so (at least) I can laugh at your pathetic existance of leg-spreading & swallowing various men's scrotum chowder for a short-term living.
You take a shot at me, I take one back. Interesting how that works, right?
Keep sitting at your keyboard all day. && keep bustin loads to the girls you think are stupid. Must be something that turns you on. OOO she's not smart, oh im gonna cum, im gonna nut. OOoo shes stupid... Dammit. Gotta go buy a new keyboard. Stupid whores. It's all their fault.
You must have a really fucked up personal life, because that last paragraph, made no sense whatsoever. Who is blaming anyone here (read: fault)?
FWIW, my keyboard is almost 3 years old, and none of the buttons are sticky or tainted. However, my iron-stained toilet, representative of YOUR cum dumpster, is merely around the corner.
Not everyone who emails your self-absorbed, slutty cunt on MySpace is a fanboy stalker who masturbates-twice-a-day to your movies. Get over yourself whore.
Rent in a year or two?! LOL. You must know stupid whores. I'm buying a condo pretty soon. Going to look at one today. && It will be paid off in a year-half-maybe two at the most. So, as you know.. Because of porn.. I don't have rent or a house payment for the rest of my life Seems like I'm a lot smarter than you on this one. HAHA rent. Thats funny.
BUYING a condo is one thing, but will you be able to afford the taxes? The bills don't end at the initial purchase alone, pussylips. Find a sugar daddy to afford all of life's luxuries, because the half-mil (if you can make that much) that you'll make in the next 2-3 years will barely pay for living expenses until you're 30, let alone LIFE.
But HARK, we all know how you'll handle that point in life when it finally comes to fruition.
I deleted you because you wouldn't stop messaging me starting shit. However, I did not mark you as spam. I do have a heart and that would be shitty for you to be deleted for a fake spam claim.
Silly whore. Once again, I didn't start shit. I made a compliment to you about your HTML skills. You took that as some sort of collective attack & thereby white-knighted for all your porn whore friends. I think I now understand why you wanted to slit your wrists, you just don't grasp life, and figured by doing away with it was the only way out.
All of the emails posted to you were in reply to your own, and MySpace has document of that. So in order for you to report me as SPAM, there'd have to be legit cause.
Matter of fact, here's the initial email I sent to you:
"Shawna dear, Myspace has been disabling HTML stupidly as of late. Granted, I'm super happy to see a porno whore that knows HTML to begin with (unless of course this is some creepy webmaster)."
----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Shawna Lenee
Date: 28/12/2007
Mr. Big Dicks Hot Chicks.(linked)
New hott video Check it out.
#288574 - 12/30/07 11:28 AM
Re: The porn WHORE formerly known as Kara Bear
Stormy's Lawyer
Registered: 12/10/07
Posts: 20
I try not to be, Vin. I try not to be.
To each his own.
#288576 - 12/30/07 12:53 PM
Re: The porn WHORE formerly known as Kara Bear
Stormy's Lawyer
Registered: 10/28/07
Posts: 22
Honestly, I am not reading ONE word of that silly non-sense. I deleted you from my Myspace for THIS reason, && you continue to try && fight. I have better things to do than fight online with some pathetic loser who can't back his arguement. You failed. Get over it. "You're my favorite" blah blah blah. This how you treat women in real life? Fight when then daily. Great man you are. LOL. I just looked at my new home. I have to contact my mortage man && see what I need to do. You are old news sir.
#288577 - 12/30/07 12:54 PM
Re: The porn WHORE formerly known as Kara Bear
Stormy's Lawyer
Registered: 10/28/07
Posts: 22
Keep sitting at your keyboard all day. && keep bustin loads to the girls you think are stupid. Must be something that turns you on. OOO she's not smart, oh im gonna cum, im gonna nut. OOoo shes stupid... Dammit. Gotta go buy a new keyboard. Stupid whores. It's all their fault.
yep thats my hooby!! stupid whores make my dick harder and cum whiter
Mmm.. Yummy. Cum.
#288578 - 12/30/07 12:59 PM
Re: The porn WHORE formerly known as Kara Bear
Stormy's Lawyer
Registered: 12/10/07
Posts: 20
Honestly, I am not reading ONE word of that silly non-sense. I deleted you from my Myspace for THIS reason, && you continue to try && fight. I have better things to do than fight online with some pathetic loser who can't back his arguement. You failed. Get over it. "You're my favorite" blah blah blah. This how you treat women in real life? Fight when then daily. Great man you are. LOL. I just looked at my new home. I have to contact my mortage man && see what I need to do. You are old news sir.
So are you (re: old news), you fall in the shadows of too many porn whores who have completely failed at life.
"You're my favorite"? Where the fuck did you ever read that? You're cute, but that's as far as it goes hunnie.
You're dilusional, it's no wonder you had such misconceptions about life that you found the need to off yourself. The fact that you attempted it, but didn't finish it off is testament to your credability.
#288579 - 12/30/07 01:21 PM
Re: The porn WHORE formerly known as Kara Bear
Registered: 04/21/04
Posts: 2204
is it true that Shawna Lenee thinks kara bare was a filthy whore?
#288581 - 12/30/07 04:45 PM
Re: The porn WHORE formerly known as Kara Bear *DELETED*
Stormy's Lawyer
Registered: 12/10/07
Posts: 20
#288583 - 12/30/07 05:48 PM
Re: The porn WHORE formerly known as Kara Bear
Stormy's Lawyer
Registered: 10/28/07
Posts: 22
I got that from your messages to me. Failed at life. That deserves a big HAHAHAHA. & a LOL. Let's see. Since porn, my credit is perfect. Found my dream home today. Getting that paid off in two years tops. Have CDs for my son which will help pay for his college tuition. I save at LEAST half of everything I make. I have a great family. And after my first place, I'm going to buy another and another so I can have people pay my taxes for me. My whole life is planned darling. && No. I didn't fail. No, I won't fail.
Please stop pushing your issues onto me dude. && Leave me alone. As I said.. You are old news. You keep repeating yourself.. which is making me do the same. Get over it. Sad, I always make grown men cry. lol.
Oo. I was a drug addict. Woo hoo. Big deal. I'm sure you have done some stupid shit in your life. You just aren't man enough to admit your mistakes. I believe it's okay to make mistakes.. As long as you learn from it. When I forget something needed for a shoot, I don't forget it again. I have learned, actually recently, that no matter how perfect you are- You still make mistakes. && everyone does it. So.. what? Funny, you're backing up your arguement from THREE years ago. Again, when you can back it up with legit CURRENT information.. Let me know.
I know who I am. I found myself. && I couldn't be more proud of I MADE my life turn out.  ) You don't bother me. Wanna keep pushing it?
Why am I wasting my precious time on you? LOLLOL. Love it.
So you deleted your post about pressing charges about being called a stalker. You really are a cry-baby. && yes, I saw it.
Edited by Shawna Lenee' (12/30/07 06:13 PM)
#288587 - 12/30/07 07:47 PM
Re: The porn WHORE formerly known as Kara Bear
Stormy's Lawyer
Registered: 12/10/07
Posts: 20
From now on we may have to break Gia's rule about quoting the post above ours since he's a cunty little post removed.
Speaking of which, what the fuck is THAT supposed to mean? Are you lacking English lessons?
Yes, I was jack_schitt. Yes, I lost my password. And yes, I've already contacted Malice to remove said post aligning my person to any mention(s) of a stalker. It's against the law, live with it. You have no valid proof (and won't find any) to suggest that I stalk or have stalked anyone. You're obviously confusing me with Pizza Box AC Cream.
So Vin, what other alternative(s) might you suggest? I'd like an answer to this, seriously. It's obviously a big joke to you. "Having thicker skin" isn't an option here, because association with the term stalker (as far as I'm concerned) is defaming to whatever character I have, present or future.
If anyone is guilty of such activity, maybe it's the whore who felt so inclined to blog about me? Yeah, that's pretty creepy if you ask me.
#288588 - 12/30/07 07:49 PM
Re: The porn WHORE formerly known as Kara Bear
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 11/04/05
Posts: 3509
Loc: Pit of Despair
I can go either way on the fake boob issue. Sometimes I like flat chested and sometimes I like plastic fantastic. Its just different strokes for different folks.
In this particular case though I think the performer made an error. She has a very girlish and youthful face which the natural boobs complemented quite well. The new bolt-ons have homogenized her appearance to the repetitive norm of the industry in which she works.
She could have built herself a nice little niche prior to the augmentation where she would have probably lasted significantly longer as a viable "commodity" than she will be able to do now post augmentation, IMO.
Fap, Fap, Fap
#288590 - 12/30/07 07:54 PM
Re: The porn WHORE formerly known as Kara Bear
Stormy's Lawyer
Registered: 12/10/07
Posts: 20
Nice edit, Vin.
Edited by I hate fanboys (12/30/07 07:56 PM)
#288592 - 12/30/07 08:04 PM
Re: The porn WHORE formerly known as Kara Bear
Stormy's Lawyer
Registered: 12/10/07
Posts: 20
You're full of shit, but...nice work.
The most redeeming part of all this is seeing all the true faggot-ass fanboys come out of the woodwork to Captain Save-A-Ho a porn whore. Mind you, the very same thing they befront the ADT population for doing. 
#288593 - 12/30/07 08:45 PM
Re: The porn WHORE formerly known as Kara Bear
Stormy's Lawyer
Registered: 10/28/07
Posts: 22
In this particular case though I think the performer made an error. She has a very girlish and youthful face which the natural boobs complemented quite well. The new bolt-ons have homogenized her appearance to the repetitive norm of the industry in which she works.
She could have built herself a nice little niche prior to the augmentation where she would have probably lasted significantly longer as a viable "commodity" than she will be able to do now post augmentation, IMO.
I don't need 10 years. I only need two. I have a plan. I'm smart with my money. I mentioned this before, I save at least half of what I make. I plan to have a place to live paid off by the time I 'retire' from porn. Found a beautiful condo here in Ohio. I'm not going to have a 10,000 dollar house payment in LA because I want to live 'luxurious'. I don't have a Mercedes. No BMW. Could care less about that shit..
My niche is just me. Shawna. Who I am is who you get. Having a baby face and big fake titties represent me. I don't follow a porno rule book. I just love to make porn.
I don't need a niche to be successful. I understand I lost fans. But if they don't like me.. Oh well. There's millions of girls to chose from. Take your pick. I didn't ruin my career though. If anything I felt like I STARTED one. When I got boobs. Everything changed. Total turning point in my life. I'm not afraid to talk to people. Not afraid to strip in front of you guys. Would never attend a party.
I was actually at a party a few months ago. && this guy came up to me and said "I wish you didn't get a boob job." && I told him "If I didn't get a boob job, I wouldn't be here at this party. Would have never had the confidence to come here . Therefore, you would have never met me." He told me I was right && we had a drink.
So there may be things here you don't understand. I don't expect you to, either.
#288594 - 12/30/07 09:11 PM
Re: The porn WHORE formerly known as Kara Bear
Registered: 04/21/04
Posts: 2204
Shawna Lenee i would love to jack off all over your newly found confidence.
#288598 - 12/31/07 12:45 AM
Re: The porn WHORE formerly known as Kara Bear
Porn Jesus
Registered: 03/22/06
Posts: 6557
Loc: 2004 - the glory days
somehow, jack_schitt/auggie/i hate fanboys has turned out to look like the shawna fanboy in this thread. ironic.
and how do you "lose" a password?
"You are the worst poster in xpt yet I can't stop talking about you" - smelly monkey
#288599 - 12/31/07 01:01 AM
Re: The porn WHORE formerly known as Kara Bear
Porn Icon
Registered: 02/04/05
Posts: 3499
Loc: The Dirty: 480
somehow, jack_schitt/auggie/i hate fanboys has turned out to look like the shawna fanboy in this thread. ironic.
and how do you "lose" a password?
Maybe he had it pounded out of his ass while doing some time in the joint. He hasn't been around in awhile, after all. 
One little throwaway post and I rip the guy out of his frame. Who knew that I had such power. ARE YOU NOT IMPRESSED?
A bona-fide stalker on the X, it's like old times again.
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