#288606 - 01/01/0807:11 PMRe: The porn WHORE formerly known as Kara Bear
Porn Jesus
Registered: 10/19/06
Posts: 9958
Loc: fortified
Speaking of which, what the fuck is THAT supposed to mean? Are you lacking English lessons?
Yes, I was jack_schitt. Yes, I lost my password. And yes, I've already contacted Malice to remove said post aligning my person to any mention(s) of a stalker. It's against the law, live with it. You have no valid proof (and won't find any) to suggest that I stalk or have stalked anyone. You're obviously confusing me with Pizza Box AC Cream.
So Vin, what other alternative(s) might you suggest? I'd like an answer to this, seriously. It's obviously a big joke to you. "Having thicker skin" isn't an option here, because association with the term stalker (as far as I'm concerned) is defaming to whatever character I have, present or future.
If anyone is guilty of such activity, maybe it's the whore who felt so inclined to blog about me? Yeah, that's pretty creepy if you ask me.
Holy fucken one shot one kill Floof!11!!!
- I'll take "tards that feebly explain away their stupidity for 300".
Tiss the season for self pwn@ge Jack(re:plogger)... You logged in this very month under your own name.. bahahaaaa
Hey faggot...know whats great about the INTERNETZ~?! I can call you a faggot and you can't do shit about it, faggot. lol
Malice, pull this faggots bitch card, perma ban him and save XPT 20 something alt ids.
_________________________ i just lock, load, and regret. - jamesn