I got that from your messages to me. Failed at life. That deserves a big HAHAHAHA. & a LOL. Let's see. Since porn, my credit is perfect. Found my dream home today. Getting that paid off in two years tops. Have CDs for my son which will help pay for his college tuition. I save at LEAST half of everything I make. I have a great family. And after my first place, I'm going to buy another and another so I can have people pay my taxes for me. My whole life is planned darling. && No. I didn't fail. No, I won't fail.

Please stop pushing your issues onto me dude. && Leave me alone. As I said.. You are old news. You keep repeating yourself.. which is making me do the same. Get over it. Sad, I always make grown men cry. lol.

Oo. I was a drug addict. Woo hoo. Big deal. I'm sure you have done some stupid shit in your life. You just aren't man enough to admit your mistakes. I believe it's okay to make mistakes.. As long as you learn from it. When I forget something needed for a shoot, I don't forget it again. I have learned, actually recently, that no matter how perfect you are- You still make mistakes. && everyone does it. So.. what? Funny, you're backing up your arguement from THREE years ago. Again, when you can back it up with legit CURRENT information.. Let me know.

I know who I am. I found myself. && I couldn't be more proud of I MADE my life turn out. ) You don't bother me. Wanna keep pushing it?

Why am I wasting my precious time on you? LOLLOL. Love it.

So you deleted your post about pressing charges about being called a stalker. You really are a cry-baby. && yes, I saw it.

Edited by Shawna Lenee' (12/30/07 06:13 PM)