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#288452 - 11/26/07 11:13 PM
The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear...NAME CHANGE!
from adult fyi- http://www.adultfyi.com/read.php?ID=25384------------------------------------------- On the Set: The Former Care Bear Returns as Shawna Lenee ----------------------------------- Personally I think more legit commercial sponsors should start naming the pw's or like nascar sponsors put labels and/or decals all over most of their tatted up bodies!
#288453 - 11/27/07 02:40 AM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear...NAME CHANGE!
Porn Jesus
Registered: 09/07/05
Posts: 14160
Loc: NYC
Is Lenee pronounced as Lenny like as in Lenny and Squiggy? Just wondering.
"What I do know is that if Karen Carpenter and Mama Cass Elliot had shared that sandwich they'd both be alive today." -Michael K
#288454 - 11/27/07 02:49 AM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
Is Lenee pronounced as Lenny like as in Lenny and Squiggy? Just wondering.
Who cares? She lost all strokeworthiness when she got those hideous bolt-ons. Changing her name at this point is like slapping a Lamborghini logo on a Pinto.
#288455 - 11/27/07 08:02 AM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear...NAME CHANGE!
Registered: 10/21/05
Posts: 2710
Is Lenee pronounced as Lenny like as in Lenny and Squiggy? Just wondering.
My guess would be a French-style 'Le-nay', but I have to go along with what Jim B. said, so cumulatively that makes it a textbook 'meh' situation.
I think the more interesting question about the new name would be 'Why?'
#288457 - 11/27/07 06:35 PM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear...NAME CHANGE!
Gay For Pay
Registered: 01/26/06
Posts: 1058
Loc: Keen for Peen
Now she has coordinating tit scars to go with her wrist scars.
Even though Brian Pumper sometimes tries to act like he is hardcore thug-rapper, I can tell that underneath he is a considerate, respectful guy. -tritone
#288459 - 11/27/07 06:44 PM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
I do believe all that Ripple and dumpster cuisine has turned Vulture Boy's already atrophied brains to mush. That chick has less stroke value than any of the corpses mouldering in Moblem's basement.
#288460 - 11/27/07 08:26 PM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear...NAME CHANGE!
Porn Jesus
Registered: 03/22/06
Posts: 6557
Loc: 2004 - the glory days
she's cute as a button, sadly I'm not a fake titty fan, just have to stock up on dvds of the pre plastic version
"You are the worst poster in xpt yet I can't stop talking about you" - smelly monkey
#288461 - 11/27/07 08:37 PM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
She was fantastic and the deep derangement only made far more strokeworthy. But she threw it all away with one of the worst cases of self-inflicted mutilation since National Geographic first photographed Yubangis with plates in their lips. That just killed it. Stupid, stupid whore.
#288462 - 11/27/07 10:52 PM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
Registered: 08/05/05
Posts: 2116
Loc: Faber College
She admits that she enjoys eating sperm. That makes her aok in my book.
It was a wonderful community with some very enjoyable members. But the vast majority were like German housewives circa 1943 prenteding that horrib;le smell wafting through their open windowsd was just the neighbors having a cookout..--Windsock
#288465 - 11/28/07 11:47 AM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
Rob Black's Crack Pipe
Registered: 03/30/07
Posts: 86
Different name.Same drug addiction
-Wanker Wang
#288466 - 11/28/07 02:14 PM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
Let's hear it again:
Faceblaster is a 50 something year old fat grey haired creepy guy... who is a joke at being talent... doing extra pops and the occasional group scene. Anyone that would work with the guy as a problem saying no.
I saw a photo of you today, FaceBlaster... you look like a child molester... and pretty much any woman that has to endure you touching her is being underpaid... because you couldn't pay my whore ass to shit on you....
---Alana Evans
Dude, Darth is on a higher social stratum than you. You're salivating over the fat check you're going to get picking at your "friend" Chico's bones so you can graduate to Thunderbird Blue Label. Have at it, Has-Been.
Kara was super cute and a joy to stroke to and she threw it all away, not slowly with drugs but in one fell swoop. What a waste of a great whore.
#288467 - 11/28/07 03:14 PM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
Porn Icon
Registered: 02/04/05
Posts: 3499
Loc: The Dirty: 480
Alright, I just saw a new internet scene with the newly christened "Shawna Lenee", bolt-ons and all. In my opinion, she looked fantastic, the boobs looked fantastic, she fucks like a champ and blows like a hurricane. There you go. I now return you to whatever the fuck was going on in here.
#288468 - 11/28/07 03:16 PM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
Floof: Title and/or link? Let's take a look.
#288469 - 11/28/07 03:43 PM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
Sex Slave Trader
Registered: 01/12/05
Posts: 1342
Believe it or not, some chicks don't like to look prepubescent. And, believe it or not, all guys aren't closeted pedos who prefer their women to look like they're incapable of sprouting pubes.
I agree that boob jobs are generally pointless and/or only make things worse. In Shawna's case, however, it looks to me like a step up. You've got to be the most jaded fucker ever if you can look at that girl and think she's somehow mangled.
"Bornyo sleeps under a bearskin that he killed and skinned when he was 5. He just stared the thing dead with mind bullets." - Floofin
#288470 - 11/28/07 04:29 PM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
The problem is, with that super-cute face, she's going to look prepubescent until well into her 40's. On the plus side, she's going to look great up until she collects social security.
There is the rare and necessary boob job that actually improves things. These are exclusively modest enhancements and the surgeon must be extraordinarily skilled in his craft. More than a cup-size in difference and the results are comedic if not downright tragic. Sadly, this is the case here. From what I've seen, those things are too big for her and the work appears sloppy. Thus, it's a mangling.
I agree that there are are performers who are so spectacular as to make even the worst bolt-ons irrelevant. But that's gotta be one helluva performance. This girl certainly has the talent, but I'd still love to see the performance.
#288471 - 11/28/07 05:02 PM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
Sex Slave Trader
Registered: 01/10/06
Posts: 1487
Loc: NYC
You've got to be the most jaded fucker ever if you can look at that girl and think she's somehow mangled.
I think there's no question that she looked better before. Additionally, it's those who desire or fetishize ridiculous bolt-ons that are the jaded ones. And the old "if you like small boobs you must be a boy lover" saw is really just preposterous.
I'm amazed at how many utterly incompetent plastic surgeons there seem to be out there, even in cases where the girl's judgement is clearly off. Most of the doctors just do a really shabby job.
And then the girls always say the bolt-ons are "settling" but, alas, they never do.
#288472 - 11/28/07 06:20 PM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
Porn Jesus
Registered: 03/22/06
Posts: 6557
Loc: 2004 - the glory days
the real vs. fake tittays debate is dumb because no one is going to change the other's opinion. I'm a "real titty" advocate 90% of the time see ricki white thread for an example of the 10% that need the help of a good surgeon. imo, kara didn't need implants and my biggest problem is that most girls go way too big and look so much like a cartoon character that only christian is left willing to fuck them. case in point -
and don't try to tell me "but they haven't settled yet"
that just my worthless 2 cents
278887-shawna.JPG (12 downloads)
"You are the worst poster in xpt yet I can't stop talking about you" - smelly monkey
#288473 - 11/28/07 06:45 PM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5214
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
Too early a picture. The shots turning up now look nothing like that. Check that recent gene ross item.
Raul: Way to let a woman fight your battles for you there, Raincoater.
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
#288474 - 11/28/07 07:35 PM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
You say my two cents don't count because I'm not in the industry. I quote someone in the industry and now she's "fighting my battles." The fact is, when someone like Alana, who's been through some of the great losers of our time like Lockwood, tears you to shreds and leaves you a quivering wreck, it's time to make like your pal and pull the plug.  The bottom line, fucktard, is that King's got it absolutely right: Those things are too fucking big for her and make her look cartoonish. It's a waste of a damn good whore. Don't let Wankus trade you any bad meth for food stamps.
#288477 - 11/29/07 08:44 AM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
Porn Jesus
Registered: 04/14/03
Posts: 7408
Loc: JM Productions
#288478 - 11/29/07 09:42 AM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5214
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
#288479 - 11/29/07 10:08 AM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
Hilarious. Why exactly did you go to prison again? Quote:
Guys who think tits like this look good are only a few steps away from sucking Brazilian she male cock.
Yep. That's about right.
#288482 - 11/29/07 11:09 AM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5214
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
"Nothing to do" is not what I maintain. I just don't believe the murder accusation blasted by the paralegal raincoater. I believe she died of complications related to prescription drug abuse and malnutrition. I feel wanker had a role in this in an enabler/co-dependant way and that he died in the "leaving las vegas" scenario of drugs, booze, depression, and atrophy.
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
#288483 - 11/29/07 11:18 AM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
Ahh, yes. That would be my buddy who's never heard of 18 U.S.C. §§ 2421-2424. The one who could never decide if he worked for EDNY or SDNY. The good "professor" ought to remember that he's just as culpable if he acts through a surrogate as if he committed the deed himself. Don't worry, block-bitch, he'll know what that means.
In any event, back to you, pal. I'm guessing that the latter two stints were you getting violated for a dirty urine. But c'mon and tell us what you did in the first place.
Faceblasted, why is it again you think Chinko Wang had nothing to do with Hailey's death?
$$$, Vin. Plain and simple.
#288484 - 11/29/07 11:31 AM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5214
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
Sorry Bitch, never been to jail and have no criminal record. As for $$$....yeah, I really lived off the $100-200 a pop that mopes get paid. Send a PM to any of the directors I worked for and ask them if I was lacking financial security. Oh that's right, you don't actually know any directors or talent that you could ask. You are just a tiny worm of a man without any work to do who lives through his internet window into a fantasy world. Look up from your screen and watch the feet pass by your tiny little basement hovel.
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
#288485 - 11/29/07 11:48 AM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
Now it's a basement. I hope for your sake the "Prof." didn't negotiate your book contract for you. You won't even see your bottle of ripple. His vendettas tend to cloud his judgement. Anyway, back on target: Quote:
here's the scene to which I referred to earlier.
Floof, that's an awfully short clip to make an informed judgement upon. On the plus side, they seem to have settled a bit, and don't appear quite as cartoonish. She still fucks and sucks like a champ.
But for all that, they're still too damned big for her. they just don't belong on that body. She could've gone up one cup and it would have probably been an improvement. But she went too far. Plus, they just don't move right. They don't bounce right. They just ain't right, period.
Color me jaded, but that's how I see it.
#288487 - 11/29/07 12:20 PM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
Open your eyes. Chinko Wang was a murderer.
[Boon]Forget it. He's rolling.[/Boon]
#288491 - 11/29/07 12:55 PM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 05/18/06
Posts: 3555
is there any hope that her nips will end up facing the same direction? could that be a "still-healing" thing?
edited because i just saw the above picture. they look good there. but then again i like fake tits, even fake- looking tits.
Edited by Gigi (11/29/07 12:58 PM)
"I'm going to spend the rest of the weekend deep frying the fuck out of anything that gets in my way."
#288493 - 11/29/07 02:13 PM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
Elder of Zion
Porn Jesus
Registered: 05/06/04
Posts: 5214
Loc: watching Bad Ronald
my bad, I thought you were Vihn the morbidthoughts photog.
I really wanted to go to that Bukake because I thought for sure that you were going to be on the receiving end. - Ryan Knox to Jeff Steward
#288495 - 11/29/07 04:03 PM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
Stormy's Lawyer
Registered: 10/28/07
Posts: 22
I haven't posted here in awhile, && I guess it's time. I'm going to keep this short and simple, don't want to really post but it seems like I have a bunch of people talking for me here. I have been sober for 2 years this past October. There is no drug issue, no drug addiction. I'm sorry I lost some fans by getting a boob job, however I believe it was the best decision I have ever made in my life. They mean something to me.. I went through a huge change in my life getting my shit together. I bought them for myself, got them 2 days before my birthday. Without them, I don't think I would have had the confidence to come back. Therefore, I would have zero scenes for you to watch. I know some of you really don't care. But I don't care that you don't care. I just love to make porn. That's all. Thanks
#288497 - 11/29/07 04:21 PM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
Registered: 04/21/04
Posts: 2204
i love how porn bitches think they got "fans." bitch you aint got no fans. All you got niggas that jack off to your family misery captured on film.
porno star thinking she got fans... aint that some shit.
#288498 - 11/29/07 04:31 PM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
Porn Fucking Master
Registered: 02/23/05
Posts: 3724
Loc: Paddling my canoe in the wild
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us. I think you are a very brave girl, and I hope you will go far in this industry.
Please let us know when you will start doing anal.
You're all still alive?
#288499 - 11/29/07 05:39 PM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
Stormy's Lawyer
Registered: 10/28/07
Posts: 22
Okay, so you want me to refer to you as a 'nigga'. If someone is looking up my name for my videos because they like what they see.. I consider that a fan of my work because they enjoy watching it. Call these men what you want, but that's how I see it.
#288501 - 11/29/07 07:09 PM
Re: The PW formerly known as Kara Bear/Care Bear..
Registered: 04/21/04
Posts: 2204
Okay, so you want me to refer to you as a 'nigga'. If someone is looking up my name for my videos because they like what they see.. I consider that a fan of my work because they enjoy watching it. Call these men what you want, but that's how I see it.
they enjoy watching it much like i enjoy whiping my ass after a shit.
perhaps you should sell your image to charmin so your daddy can whipe his ass with it.
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