Psycotic postings of a 33 year old man who married a very hot young possibly manic ex porn sex worker.


We are currently selling all of the clothing she wore at her shoots... complete with a signed and personalize autographed polaroid photo of her wearing it.

Let me know if this is something that is of interest to anyone.

He gets called out by a ADT poster...
elgringoviejo58 wrote:
The guy posts something about selling the stuff she wore on her shoots with autographed by her, and then threatens invasion-of-privacy litigation? Spelled s-u-i-t-c-a-s-e p-i-m-p.

No, actually I am not. I made a deal with her that anything she had worn during a scene would be replaced with 2 garments that I purchase for her, and she gets to keep the money from the sale to use as she sees fit.

She is completely out of the Industry. Hard to be a suitcase pimp when someone is retired.

Do not anticipate someones motives or goals without knowing the person.

You have a pleasant day.


Not really... I have a thing called ethics. I will not have to notify you when the order comes through. It will be delivered properly. Have a nice day.
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This guy has to make "deals" with his "wife"? The girl probably is on some sort of cocktail of anti-psychotic meds.