I figured it'd be kinda amusing to post this lil' review on Thanksgiving, since most of us gluttonous Americans have or are still probably stuffing their faces and beer guts with turkey, gravy, masshed potatoes, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, and all that good holiday grub. It's amazing how these sluts prove einstein's theory of pussy elasticity with ease and a grimace though I diddn't see a bong inserted in a booty as Jeff promised, butt that lava lamp experience with Amber Rayne sure was a trip. Better yet, hottie blonde cupcake Claudia Downs makes this dvd a great stocking stuffer, so add this to your wish list. [JM Prod. who else?]

Claudia Downs

278261-OverStuffed4-5..jpg (32 downloads)

"I only insult those who deserve it." - Alfred E. Neuman