Hey, let me run this by you guys and see what you think...

Hello. I have a business proposal -- a very exciting FREE promotional proposal -- for you, if you see the value in what I will offer in the following paragraphs. I appreciate you taking a couple of minutes to hear me out. I called Lighthouse, the Seymore Butts talent agency, today and spoke with a nice person on the phone who told me this email is the way I should proceed with making my proposal.

I am Davis Caperton, a marketing consultant and joint venture specialist in California representing several clients, one of which is Dr. Zombie, a late night horror movie host seen across the country on local broadcast and cable access channels, and globally online and on various radio outlets as several characters of his creation including his long-running radio personae called "Doug Graves, DJ of the Living Dead".

Recently, Graves aka Doc Zombie has hooked up with some promotions people who are very good at what they do, and they have lined up for him to set a new world's record which should give us the chance to milk a lot of free mainstream media publicity when this happens. I'm not going to go into too much detail in this initial contact with what the record entails, but suffice it to say that Dr. Zombie needs a bride to pull this off.

What we're thinking here is that ZombieTheatre.com and the Dr. Zombie show on television (and YouTube), and the Doug Graves show on online radio, would do a co-branding, cross-promotional effort with this promotion's sponsors in mainstream (that is, non-porn) radio and with some adult industry parties who show interest and would appreciate this opportunity for the publicity and promotional value it will bring us. We're thinking perhaps of having the wedding at AVN AEE in Las Vegas, at some company's booth or perhaps in cooperation with Adult Video News in their media lounge facilities or somewhere else AVN might think was suitable.

What we need to find for Dr. Zombie and for this promotion is a woman who is an adult entertainer, loves horror movies, probably fits image-wise into an alt or goth or punk or other fetish markeing niche, who is presently unmarried (or could be unmarried by the time the nuptials are performed), would be comfortable signing pre-nuptial legal documents protecting both parties in the marriage arrangement, is a fun and easy-going lady without a lot of emotional baggage and drama, a young woman (or a hot, older MILF) who would see the immense promotional value of this offer, a woman who would help us promote this joint venture, and a woman who would have the wedding night / honeymoon (which may be arranged to take place at a real haunted hotel) shot by a videographer for a possible adult DVD.

Female performers whom we think would be great for this promotional joint venture would be actresses such as vets such as Joanna Angel, Cytheria, Audrey Hollander, Sinn Sage, Internet vet Mya Lee from Canada, and so on (we understand that some of these women, such as Ms. Hollander, are already married and would be unavailable for this project), and new girls such as this Daisy Tanks whom I was reading about in the new AVN this month in Fresh Off The Bus (is that her name? Forgive me if I am misremembering it).

My client has not done much yet in the adult industry except to network with a few folks such as Ion McKai and Sinn Sage and some folks at Xplor Media and at Metro and Ron Jeremy (of course!), among others, so how would we go about proceeding with making the connections we need to make quickly to make this happen while we have the momentum? Would we go with a talent agency, or attempt to communicate with some peformers via their online presence? Whatever is the most efficient and cost-effective way to do this in the shortest possible time.

At the moment, my client has no budget for this project, so we are looking for investors -- in the adult entertainment community and elsewhere. We realize that if we go through a talent and booking agency, there will be commissions to be paid for their time and efforts, but we are wondering if there are any kinds of flexible arrangements we can work out with the agent and the performer in exchange for the free promotional opportunities. I realize you in the community do not know us from Adam, but if I can interest some known players in the industry to come on board this venture as sponsors or investors or partners, would you see any possiblities in such a venture for a contingency pay arrangement with a performer and her agency that gives those parties an equity arrangement in content that would come out of the wedding night video?

Whether or not Dr. Zombie himself would participate in an on-camera X-rated performance remains to be seen, depending on how comfortable he and his new bride would be with that and whether he could get the industry-required STD screenings done in time, and of course on if he decides such an explicit peformance on his part would fit with his image-awareness marketing efforts. He might instead take a more Snoop Dog approach to the video, writing and directing it or merely hosting it and allowing an industry professional to write and direct it. One idea would be that Dr. Zombie must have his new bride be broken-in by his zombie minions, male or female or both.

This is just our initial contact with y'all to see if we can find some areas with anyone in Porn Valley that would be of mutual interest. If you are interested, or know of any associates of yours who might be interested in any of these ideas, and you (or they) have the ability to act quickly on such ideas so we can all get them implemented in time for the publicity event, then please don't hesitate to give me a call or shoot an email. We will explore our options together with interested parties and with the event promoters and see where it goes.

Thank you for your consideration.

Davis Caperton
209 / 537-2465