
She was, but she was into rollerskating for a bit. Also, Sunny's mom made the outfits for Tales From the Crack/Evil Angel; hence suggesting she make our team's outfits- with someone else designing them of course. It scares me to know these things. Gigi, what's your opinion on catsuits with a long, front zipper?

"tales from the crack" had the best blowjob scene EVER... belladonna, some random dude, and i swear to god partway through she looks like she is actually DEAD and it is so fucking hot... catsuits sound hot but sound restrictive as far as me getting my asshole plowed; i'm sure you have planned for that, though, so i'm not even worried . are we brown and blue or pink and green? my friend just had the most exquisite wedding invitations made: ice blue paper with chocolate ink . i found some of my old skating photos; trying to figure out how to use a scanner (yes, i'm part retarded). btw, i just had my ukrainian mother-in-law's pierogies for dinner. i have never tasted such heaven. i'm sure only skeeter's ejaculate tastes sweeter.
"I'm going to spend the rest of the weekend deep frying the fuck out of anything that gets in my way." --Handful