Funny shit.

Burg's Number One Escort-Whore Excuse For Not Being On Time/Showing Up At All/Showing Up Totally Fucked Up....:

Burg's Phone Rings 45 minutes after whore is supposed to be there, he answers: "Yeah?"

Chick: "Hi, this is Phoebe (or Piper or Prue) from Whole Lotta Nothing Models, Inc., I was in a Car Accident so I am going to be a little late...."

Me: "Uh huh....[disingenuous tone] Are you alright?[/disingenuous tone]"

Chick (drink glasses clinking in the background with Bar Noise and Bon jovi playing): "Yeah I am fine sweetie, I'll see you in 30 minutes ok?"

Me: "huh?"

Chick: "Great! Ok Bye babe!!"

Me (calling the agency): "Yeah Hi, cancel Phoebe the wiccan and send Dora the Explorer from Portugal instead....yeah fine so she doesnt speak English, that's a plus tonight...<click>"
Are you gonna eat that?