
Whereas, the Catholic solution would have been favorable to whores?

I didn't know either side had a position on whores. It's been decades since I renounced Christianity. But that's your Lordship's wont: to take an offhand, illustrative remark regarding your affinity for noted reactionaries and inflate it so as to confuse the issue. You would do well in the Shadow Cabinet.

I'd love to continue this debate, but I fear we've veered ridiculously off target. Send me a PM and we can argue the entire period from the Regency to the accession of Victoria. Or we could take it to AWOP. Your Lordship's choice.

To return to the topic, then: A whore has just as much right to gripe about her work as any other worker. You make a vaid point that a more conciliatory tone would be better received, but the fact remains that the preponderance of job-griping is done in the heat of the moment. It's coarse, gritty and rarely can be repeated in polite society. Why should a whore be held to a different standard from any other worker?