
Right you are, DV, but my point is that most of us aren't politicians whose careers could be wrecked by a whore scandalThe only harm whores are doing to society is in the minds of the Jesus types. If it weren't for them, Whores would be licensed, regulated taxed and inspected just like any other form of unskilled labor.

Bottom line is: Don't be so quick to judge the whore until you've walked a mile in her fuck-me-boots.

Understood.....Now please don’t forget about the actual LEGAL hookers within the continental U.S. specifically All but a few counties in Nevada (Hof's "bunny ranch" and the like). Where it (prostitution) is highly regulated just as are the casinos by the "nevada gaming commission". If the industry in itself was under higher scrutiny it would be more semi socially acceptable. But I am getting off on a rant now…..