

And who is anyone to tell anyone to shut the fuck up?


1.) Quit bitching and face the fact that you're actually running a downtown fast-food joint and attracting clientele accordingly.

You gave her two choices, don't complain (even in an anonymous setting) about the downsides of your job. Accept them or find another one. If every whore took this advice there wouldn't be any. In fact, if everyone took your advice, we'd all be looking for new jobs.

I think you missed the significance of my next sentence:


You could say that about anything anyone says here. It's the internet, you get back what you give out.

Just because I tell her to "Quit bitching" doesn't mean I think she shouldn't be allowed to spout this shit. I just think she deserves all the scorn we throw right back.
"If I were a guy, not swallowing would be a deal breaker. So what if you cook and clean? I can get a maid for that." - Gia Jordan