

I realize I am a hopeless whoremantic, but everything she says is pretty much true, relevant and proper. It is common sense really. However, I am totally unique in how I deal with whores and what I want and expect....I actually WANT to know what is going on inside the chick's mind, and I make that clear before I pay her. I also give back rubs....

And yet on the other hand....JUST PAY AND HER AND PAY HER WELL, and that's pretty much the end of the story. If she cant stand you and what you do, when you call her again she wont return your call/message. But if the price was right, and I am a staunch advocate of being generous with whores, she will come back.

So basically you're ok with being considered a creep, as long as your money continues to talk.

Whatever works for you, I guess.

Oh Yeah that's exactly what I meant...Jesus Christ...

I think its admirable you've never paid a whore, and that you derive pride from that fact. But I will assume for a moment that you have had normal relationships with chicks and/or are married. Ponder for a moment the economic cost you've incurred so far from them...add to it your time and the opportunity cost(s), the aggravation, and inconvenince that comes with such relationships. All in the name of a concept and feeling that is as fleeting and varied and many splendored as Baskin Robbins' 31 Flavors.

And before you say it, I have been in "normal relationships" at certain points in my life....I'll take several pounds of chocolate and a 3000 dollar a night flawed beauty a couple times a month instead. And as for being a creep? I know plenty of people in relationships or marriages where the woman cannot stand the guy, yet stays with it for the financial benefits or because they are stuck with a litter of kittens to consider. I dont have much contact with my "ex's" (all 4 of them) but I do get birthday, x-mas, Hannukah, Valentines, Groundhog Day and St Patrick's Day gifts from a wide variety of whores and strippers...
Are you gonna eat that?