
Yeah okay, I guess you're right. The girl has no right to say she shes good at what she does or complain about her job to anyone ever... even in an anonymous setting. What does she think she is? human? She should just shut up and pretend to be happy.

Everything she wrote is dripping with contempt for the men who pay her bills. That may be appropriate in your little niche, but not for a "GFE" escort. She bitches about men touching her where she's sore after seeing 5 clients already - whose fault is that? She bitches most of all about the clients who are actually trying to give her pleasure, albeit ineptly, but she won't give them any direction, she just lays back and gives marks out of 10.

She seems to think she's so fucking wonderful and these disgusting men should be eternally grateful to PAY for her time. Who is she trying to kid? Her situation is 100% self-inflicted. Free clue to any girl thinking about whoring: it's not always going to bring the best examples of manhood to your bedroom door.
"If I were a guy, not swallowing would be a deal breaker. So what if you cook and clean? I can get a maid for that." - Gia Jordan