


Unfortunately its from this bat shit Alaskan Ex-Senator!

FSC Funraiser Honors Felon Eddie Wedlestedt (from AVN)

I was going to write a big long scathing post about this event a few weeks ago before it happened, but it looks like this goofy fucking publicity did the job for me.

Wow. $200 a ticket to honor "that guy who threw a rock in a lake" and a tax evasionist (is that even a word?) as your guests of honor.

I only have one word:

(That word was barf3)

now are more important things like chico wang suicide, brian swordwood death proof camaro, and what the minion gone to tell about wanker

your rants for political shit are boring

Not to self...keep taking notes from illegals who are connected to XPT 24/7.

Rob Longshoot weiner is bigger than yours