
So to turn things around... are there any Bush voters that still think they made the right call 7 years ago?



Using the cliched litmus test of "Are you better off than you were?", do any Bush voters have the slightest doubt that they voted for the right man?

considering "the goracle" as an alternative, no problem at all.


I know it's tempting to simply dodge the question Coulter style, and instead heap more criticism on Gore... but I'm genuinely curious to hear how Bush has left America stronger than it was 7 years ago.

your statement assumes that we are somehow weaker after 7 years of GW. how are we weaker? if by "weakness" you mean international opinion of the US then I have no problem. I don't give a fuck what other countries think of us, their opinion is rarely based in reality anyway. in fact, I'd prefer other countries dislike us then we can actually do and act in the ways they perceive. Rep. hypocrites are always a hot item here so I assume Tipper G.'s censorship of the music industry, as hypothetical first lady, would have drawn similar derision. And the goracle living a lavish anti-green lifestyle while expecting us peons to reduce reuse recycle and live in a 10 by 10 cardboard box while he pays off his excesses with carbon offsets is acceptable. it's pretty convenient that the payments for his carbon offsets go to a company that, shockingly, he owns. curious. even GW is greener than the goracle, but heaven forbid that kind of story draws any attention away from the goracle and his emmys and nobel peace prizes

whew. I need one of these me(R) against xpt(D) vents/rants every once in a while.
"You are the worst poster in xpt yet I can't stop talking about you" - smelly monkey