I was stunned when KSEX hired Jason Sechrest to do their PR for them. After the whole Wankus debacle and Sechrest's 'press releases' I was pretty sure someone in the KSEX organization would say enough was enough.
But no.
Then last month Gene Ross reported that Joe Brandi caught Sechrest "in the KSEX bathroom last week humping a "new twink" named Austin Dean. Sechrest had Dean bent over a sink and was quoted as saying, "I put it in him - barely."
Did they fire him? Nope.
So finally, as Sechrest gets involved in what could turn out to be a nice little libel case between Lynn LeMay and Sonny Malone, something happens.
Today Jason "left" his PR gig at KSEX. He'll still do his shows, but it looks like KSEX finally realized that good PR guys
don't embroil them in constant drama.