

it says jarrod's little fuck doll. she is married to a tatto artist who did it apparently.

Two thoughts...thought one is dependent upon thought two.

1) Say what you will, but this guy's pimp hand must be solid gold...sadly, any fool can get a broad to tattoo their name on her tit, but a tattoo around the ringpiece is some next level shit for sure.

2) I shudder to think if she demanded a reciprocal tattoo, what it might be and where it might be located.

I know people might think she's dumb for getting a tattoo with her boyfriend's name around her arsehole, but if you think about it, it's pretty smart...if she breaks up with him, she won't keep on seeing it, and nobody else will ever know it's there*.

(*Unless she does internet porn which displays said anal tattoo to billions of people around the globe, that is.)