I got an interesting report from my sister while I was in Florida.

A suite-mate of hers from her freshman year sent her a PM via FaceBook looking for my email. Besides the fact that back then I was adorable, she found me very fascinating.

She used to have little tantrums at the fact that she found my writing better than hers and actually tried to organize my ramblings into some kind of publishable form in the mid-80s. [She's since published at least two books of her own, so she was quite wrong on who was the better writer.]

But, as is endemic to the bi-polar person, I would go from completing too many pages to edit on some occasions to none at all on others. In any case, as XPT members are quite familiar with, I have a tendency to stray far from my "point" and rebel to being confined and focused. So the poor thing had her hands full.

Also, she was frustrated as I began to stray from the GOP, invented my own religion [Radical Beliefism] only to become a Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist, and then promptly stopped writing altogether when I decided that whatever I penned, Nietzsche and Dostoevsky had already done it better.

After years of her bothering me to produce like a trained seal, I finally got fed up with her pestering and wrote her a rambling 17 page letter breaking off our friendship.

My sister has always been a bit peeved that her suite-mate found me more interesting than she, and since I had an incurable habit of regularly sleeping with my sisters friends, she is convinced I slept with this girl.

Honestly, I never even kissed her.

My sister is now annoyed that this girl PMed her about my email, but didn't ask anything about her and didn't even "friend" her.

It's also led her to believe that this is conclusive proof that, for some reason I can't begin to imagine, I decided to hide my tryst from her. It's not like I hid any of the others I banged.

Anyway ... I sarcastically quipped that she could feel free to give my email to anyone on the planet she was "100% sure" I defiled.

She then casually mentioned that at least one of her friends wouldn't be emailing since she had died of cancer. I was a bit stunned. She then told me a girl I dated in high school also was "no more" [suicide].

That's at least two girls who lost their virginity to me who are now forever free of that inglorious infamy.

Amo i Gemelli!! wink