That is interesting actually. My sister was bothering the fuck out of me the other day asking about digital cameras and all.
People never know what to get me so she was working this angle. I told her most Digital cameras can't snap fast enough or zoom enough to catch the only thing I care about..that is my kid getting off a shot or skating through people. And when I say "through" I mean bodys on the ice at the point of impact and maybe the next second or two before the whistle blows and the coach comes out to collect em up.

I don't expect her to DSLR cause she wont but what's close in say the $300 range.

On topic... Fatty your fucken stories are way beyond "epic". When I look back on all the "Internet Personalities" I've known you are unique sir.
I wish you nothing but the best for the Holidays and throughout.
i just lock, load, and regret. - jamesn