Mom and close to 50 others will be working the polls in an elementary school in Palm Beach County. They are expecting more than 2000 voters over the 12 hours they are scheduled to be open.

Today she learned to construct a voting booth. They reviewed how to deal with persons with handicaps such as hearing or eye sight. And, to refer all persons whose IDs don't match to the election clerk for final examination.

Voters can wear any campaign stuff they want to the site.

They vote by paper with special pens in Palm Beach County. Since this means people might make mistakes, each voter can have up to 3 attempts at completing a ballot.

She'll be at the polls by 6am. They open at 7am and stay open until 7pm. They were told to be prepared to be open longer, as they are expecting Gov. Christ to extend the voting hours if there are problems.

On Saturday she met Danny DeVito & Rhea Perlman at Obama Headquarters in Delray Beach. Mom sold Obama pins.

On Sunday she did shopping for the campaign, and surprised them with the price she got for a case of spring water. I guess they haven't dealt with too many older Jewish women.

She and my stepdad delivered 9 cases of water and garbage bags - which turned out to be a size too small for the cans they had.

Amo i Gemelli!! wink