Turns out that the rally Mom attended yesterday turned into the ending piece for the Obama-mercial.
I had a brief chat with her while she waited for traffic to move out of the parking lot after the event.
They didn't see the infomercial there. Just alot of speeches and waiting around.
She got there around 3 to get a good seat for the 4:30 'opening'. There was a small plane with a McCain banner that circled overhead.
She says she wasn't too far away from him, but she wasn't on the floor. She was somewhat behind him but could see a bit of his profile from the side.
No one could bring anything into the event. They even told women to leave their bags at home. Any signs, flags, etc., you saw were distributed by staff inside the arena prior to the cut in.
The invocation was given by a rabbi. The girl who did the 'Star Spangled Banner' was so off-key that crowd groaned at each bad note.
She said that the area behind Obama was empty and specially reserved. Those who were so placed were directed/trained as to what to do when the cameras rolled. [not that such things are unusual]
According to her, Obama spoke to the group for quite some time prior to getting set for the "cut in" but left soon after. [I guess in order to get to 'Bubba' in time for the 11PM event they did outside Orlando later].
Amo i Gemelli!!