
Sounds great. Just one question: How'd y'all split the tab and who actually did the math? I'm guessing the sister who was worried about the excess food, using a small calculator she carries in her purse.

Isn't much of an issue in my family. There's never been anything close to a disagreement. Usually the person arranging the dinner pays. In this instance, my Dad paid.

In any case, my sister doesn't have ANY money worries, anyway. She isn't cheap, and can be beyond generous when she's motivated, but it best be her choice to pay.

She's a very successfully Wall Street person. She buys new furniture for her eastside Manhattan condo [with riverview] every 7-8 months. She pays a few hundred a month to park her luxury sportscar in her building she only occassionally uses on the weekends. She won't take the subway or city bus. She will sometimes walk to her job, but usually takes a cab every day to and from her Park office. She never cooks - eats out every day. She loves designer clothes. She has a HUGE designer bag collection. Shoes? Imagine "Carrie" from "Sex & the City" on an unlimited budget. And, she lives to scuba dive.

She's also a BITCH supreme which has left her very unhappy person since none of her relationships work out. She just broke up with an English guy she met from work who - SURPRISE! - turned out to be a psycho. She is very good at choosing psychos.

As for the food: My sister hates food waste, rolls her eyes when my stepmom has the excess wrapped to take home and ABHORS the idea of all of us heavy people taking more than we need just to finish the dishes. My sister is fit and thin. My dad & I are obese, my stepmom is heavy and my stepsisters are on their way. Fat repulses my sister.
Amo i Gemelli!! wink