

I lived in Weehawken (no kidding). Right off Blvd East. The township must have a high concentration of Pervs. I thought Micki Lynn was from Bellville, nearer to Newark (oh, God) than Weehawken or Union City, the epicenter of Fatman Activity.

Fatman, were you the dude on Palisade Avenue and 22nd waiting for the NJT bus to the PortAuthority last week?
Walk a few blocks and take a gypsy minibus ok? It will do your heart good.

I don't know where Micki lived as a teen. I just remember her saying she went to Weehawken High. That doesn't mean it was the truth. But, it's funny because I moved to Weehawken FROM Belleville ... right on the border with Nutley. My brother and I used to get harassed by the Belleville and Nutley Police during our long walks. They would think we were blacks walking north from Newark since we were both wearing hooded sweatshirts.

I never wait at Palisades & Highpoint for the 123. It doesn't run often enough. [btw, 22nd is an evil name conjured up by those darn Democrats in Union City!!].

I catch the NJT buses at Pleasant Ave along side 495 where about 15 different buses have their last stop in NJ. When I don't have a montly pass, I often have taken the mini-buses - they're cheaper. In the mornings they'll pick you up along Hackensack Plank Road [32nd St] on their way to "the back door" to the Lincoln Tunnel ... which is nice when it's raining.

Freak! I guess we were neighbors. I saw Micky Lynn at the triple treat theater at 42nd and 8th once (long ago obviously). This was before Guiliani made Times Square safe for Middle America. What a show! Dildos and all. I think the cops raided the place once in a while if things got too freaky. The Triple Treat deteriorated rapidly. The last time I went there in '94 or so the dancers were black crack ho's (not that white ones would have been snazzier). It was bad. I bailed after 10 min.

Yeah, the 123 did not run often. You were better huffing it to the 495 junction and waiting 2 minutes to take the next NJT or mini.
Mild Mannered Minion
I feel the pull on the rope, let me off at the rainbow
-Anyway, Genesis