Lost my ymail account. Too many break-in attempts or something, without me signing in says Yahoo.

Updated my profile here so I can get mail if I'm a-mood to do so.
Yesterday marked 4.5 years of me in Florida.
Heading up to Union City to get my storage unit ready for a move this fall.
I have a Russian lady in her 40s who owns a business interesting in me. She has 2 daughters. The legal one is bitchy. Russian women scare me.
A friend of mine has stopped trying to pawn off her daughter on me. I am not and never will be interested. Now trying to get me to bite on the daughter's daughter. I have some interest, to my surprise.
There is a receptionist I flirt with from time to time who I swear was in porn. Have to get her to accept my invitation to go swimming. Hoping to see a tatt or two and maybe ID her that way .....
There is another receptionist at a doctor's office who is warming to me. She is very young but legal, fit but not very cute. She liked when I pointed out that her HS sweatshirt should have been hooded since the mascot denoted on it is a Cobra.
I'm all but recovered from my umbilical hernia surgery and once again lifting and swimming, but I don't know how I got a hernia and it makes be nervous when my abs engage. Should be under 250 lbs soon. I've been hovering just above it since I injured myself last summer. So closing on a year down 75 lbs in my most recent war against my fatness.