

aka fall into a career snapping pictures of girls dressed like lava lamps and have overly qualified people do the lighting and set dressing based on your parents name while the retard kid gets behind the lens and pretends to take credit for the setup in front of them

holly randall thank you for sparing us from aria giovannis weird looking vagina.


I usually don't respond to these kinds of ridiculous rants-- misdirected anger is so very common it's in fact quite boring. I would imagine that you're either an immature little twerp, or a bitter, aging old man. Or perhaps you're just a disgruntled middle-aged guy who is stuck in a dead end job and can't get a date to save his life. Hell, you might even be a woman, and then I wouldn't even want to try and imagine what your problem is. Whatever your story is, I'm sure you have reasons for your distemper and I doubt you actually have anything personal against me; my guess is you like to stir the pot because it brings a bit of color to your otherwise drab and dull life.

The funny thing about your comments and ones of other posters that have preceded it, is that it's extremely difficult to hurt my feelings, and to do so, you'd actually have to say something that had some kind of truth to it. So let's just address a few things in your post:

You said that my name and any ounce of fame was bestowed upon me by my parents. Well, duh. I have for one never denied the fact that I got lucky and because of my mother, was never forced to start at the bottom and climb some kind of corporate ladder to get where I am today. But that in no way means that I don't work incredibly hard at what I do. My hours are long and my determination high, and a lot of that comes from not only wanting to run a successful business, but also to make my parents proud of me. That in itself I think gives me a drive that not everyone else in this business has, because my work is truly very personal to me. Now before you go off on how it's porn and I should be ashamed of working in such a vile and degrading career, remember that I was not raised in a strict and conservative family-- in fact I was raised in one that is extraordinarily liberal, trusting, and loving. And yes, I'll admit, a bit odd. But I love that about my parents: they don't fit into any type of mold. But my point is I was not raised with the general sense of shame about sex and porn that so many Americans have been. So I don't see it your way.

And as far as overqualified people doing my lighting and my sets-- what on earth is wrong with that? If I can get these truly talented people to work for me, why the hell wouldn't I? The fact that they are working for me I think is testament to the reputation we have (that they would work with a pornographer) and the state of mainstream entertainment (i.e. it's so competitive out there so many qualified people can't get work). Nobody is holding a gun to their head and demanding they show up to my set every day.

Which brings me to another point-- these two sets that I've posted (Bree and Veronica) were NOT worked on by either my stylist or my set designer. It was actually ME who designed the sets, and dressed the girls. Of course I prefer to work with my set designer and stylist, but I am obviously capable of putting together a shoot on my own. I would prefer not to do so, because my stylist and my set designer are both so much better at their jobs than I am, and I also do not have the time to do everything!

As for me being the "retarded kid", that's just hilarious and I think you know completely untrue. I'm not even sure it's worth mentioning. But I have to say I loved your comment: "girls dressed like lava lamps". Now THAT is fucking comedy, and I'll admit, a good way to describe some of the outfits I've shot the models in. I like that, I think I'll use it the next time my stylist dresses someone in hot pink and neon orange.
I really try to retain a respectful distance from my models, even when I'm lubing up their pussies.